Behrajan won the race which was marred by the death of popular chaser Bacchanal.
Gulping down his envy with a chaser of contempt, a Roman found himself less awed than offended by Egypt.
The director hasn't made a film since "Chaser, " and Mr. Panitch believes his next one will be box-office gold.
Yet those moments also seem suitable, as the fantasies of an older skirt-chaser.
Despite thriving in an intensely public, high-wire job, he is not a spotlight-chaser.
Richard Heene, his father, is a storm chaser, tinkerer and, people have suggested, a publicity hound who likes to be on television.
And wouldn't you know -- he turns out to be Dan's younger brother Mitch (Dane Cook), a reformed skirt-chaser who announces himself besotted.
Fellow storm chaser Tony Laubach said on Facebook that he and his colleagues were often impressed with Paul Samaras' work from behind the camera.
He was aboard Battleship, a diminutive American owned and bred chaser sent over the Atlantic to be trained for the race by Hobbs's father, Reg.
Customers may not be able to see The Hunger Games on Netflix, but viewers can watch four seasons of Mad Men with a Walking Dead chaser.
The instruments on board Venus Express had been developed as back-ups for either Esa's Mars Express spacecraft or Esa's comet-chaser mission, Rosetta, due for launch in January.
Lanny Dean, a 23-year veteran storm chaser from Tulsa, Okla.
"I actually watched 'Cool Runnings' and the bobsleigh team from 1988 and was inspired, " Williams, who refers to himself as "The Dream Chaser, " told CNN's Alpine Edge show.
CNN: Cool Runnings: A skiing sequel for Jamaica's 'Dream Chaser?'
His closest chaser, Northern Ireland's Rory McIlroy, looked set to build on his opening 66, but could not capitalize on a promising start and finished with a level-par 72 to be five back going into the weekend.
Originally called Cherry Chase, it was renamed Cherry Chaser before becoming the Cherry Mash, but whatever you called it, the candy features a quarter-pound mound of chopped roasted peanuts blended with chocolate over a smooth cherry fondant center.