Indeed, within days of the recent denial-of-service hacks, authorities quickly focused their search on an Internet Relay Chat braggart with the moniker "mafia-boy" and on "Coolio, " the alias of the person who allegedly hijacked the domain of RSA Security and redirected it to a defaced site.
The Welsh Office has been accused of shutting down an Internet chat forum because of attacks on the Welsh Assembly.
An Epix subscriber can also invite other nonsubscribers to watch a movie with him on the Internet at the same time complete with a chat box.
Husky Chat made a small splash in the Hacker News community on Monday after releasing a new feature called Lobby, which provides a place where everyone on Husky Chat can talk to one another, no matter where they are on the Internet.
Instead, they go to their Internet cafes, or, they increasingly access the Internet, chat with their friends on QQ, or play games right from home.
FORBES: What is Holding Back Digital Advertising Adspend in China?
The American Express Centurion card, also known as the "Black AmEx, " is the subject of much speculation on Internet chat rooms.
But science is no match for the Internet, where Lyme patients swarm chat boards to bemoan the persecution of their doctors and egg on politicians.
The American Express (nyse: AXP - news - people ) Centurion card, also known as the "Black AmEx, " is the subject of much speculation on Internet chat rooms.
You can view and alter other users' files in one place, chat with those other users over the Internet and then move on to far-off objects and people, if they seem interesting.
On one level, the games are revved-up, visually enhanced internet chat rooms.
The charging documents say a hacker identified as "Sharpie" used information Keys supplied in an Internet chat room to access the Times' web system and alter a headline on a December 2010 story.
The court heard that Vallor was caught when he boasted of his viruses on internet chat rooms.
He is alleged to have identified himself on an internet chat forum as a former Tribune Company employee and then provided members of Anonymous with the login and password to the Tribune Company server.