There's a logic behind the relative cheapness of illiquid stocks, of course: They're riskier.
Because of my unique talent (or cheapness), I was offered the gig as the new presenter.
So you do two rankings--one just based on cheapness and one based on return on capital.
This unusually high demand was more than double the amount expected (due mainly to cheapness).
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Similarly, the new types of ETF no longer offer the cheapness and diversification of the early varieties.
An interesting little point being made today about how that relative cheapness of the NHS comes about.
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Denim, a humble material whose virtue was its cheapness, became as valuable as satin when turned into jeans.
The lightness only serves to accentuate the console's feeling of cheapness and the build quality drives that point home.
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Nothing on the phone exuded cheapness, and we couldn't find any visible flaws in the hardware or software performance.
But recent cheapness has caused a lot more people to start buying Ikea.
If it can be made to work, however, the Roton will have a number of advantages besides mere cheapness.
Cheapness is a top characteristic Warren Buffett requires in companies he invests in, though they must also be high-quality companies.
Since 1986, he has made a thorough study of paper-tube technology and has been struck by the medium's cheapness, strength and adaptability.
Hybrid forms of capital were meant to combine the cheapness of debt with the support that equity offers to banks in times of crisis.
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After years in which policy has been buffeted by competing requirements for efficiency, cheapness, social justice, productivity and greenery that at least is welcome.
If the heat concentration could be done without all the paraphernalia of mirrors, though, thermoelectricity's inefficiency would be offset by the cheapness of the kit.
They also cite the cheapness and time-saving aspects of fast food as major contributing factors to the supposed epidemic of obesity in the United States.
Disruptive technologies work by offering, at least initially, little in the way of performance, but plenty in terms of cheapness, convenience and ease of use.
And that negates some of the advantage of their initial cheapness.
This cheapness is owed to what I call the flip side of Moore's Law, the side that predicts dropping costs at a constant rate of performance.
At 50% of annual revenue, 4.5 times cash flow, 1.25 times book value and 10 times my estimate of 2011 earnings, it combines cheapness with growth.
The person Shamsaddinov fought with was parked by the side of the road in a Soviet-era Zhiguli, the ubiquitous model favored for cheapness rather than quality.
Given their positive correlations with stocks and extreme cheapness, post-crisis, many of these types of bonds have simply been a lower-beta, lower-volatility way to access the strong equity market returns since 2009.
Now that the reckoning is here, it becomes a little easier to see that we fool ourselves with the apparent cheapness of subsidized oil and that a healthy environment is priceless beyond reckoning.
The same can be said for apparel houses and retailers of all stripes, but one thing going for Guess? is its cheapness relative to what the market is willing to pay for similar companies.
So, in other words, if you were the cheapest company on this list, you'd get a 1 for cheapness and if you were the 200th highest return on capital, your combined score would be 201.
The relative cheapness of such projects, compared with the use of big breaks for foreign investors, may also commend them to the English development agencies, which will have smaller budgets than their Scottish and Welsh counterparts.
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