If your business is government related, or you just want a peaceful location in the heart of town, check into the Capitol Hotel Tokyu in the Akasaka district, a popular holdover from the 1960s (the Beatles stayed here), which was razed and replaced with a 29-storey tower in 2010.
The Foursquare check-in for the McKittrick Hotel is full of tips about rooms to explore and actors you must follow.
FORBES: 'Sleep No More': Theater for Voyeurs and Reality TV Addicts
If you check in from the Westcliff Hotel in Johannesburg, you'll see this tip from CNN South Africa Correspondent Robyn Curnow: The bar has a wonderful view over the treetops of the suburbs, the Johannesburg skyline and, on a clear night, the blue rim of the Magaliesberg Mountains.
While it is too early to tell if they will be hits or misses, adventuresome road warriors may want to check in at the sleek Mystic Hotel near the gates to Chinatown, or the intimate Inn at the Presidio, housed in a one-time bachelor officers quarters on the western edge of the city near the Golden Gate Bridge.
It would then, for example, be possible to use a kiosk in a hotel lobby to check out of the hotel, look up the status of your flight, and then check in for it.
We've seen it integrated into check-in everywhere from the new Hotel Missoni Kuwait to Hyatt hotels across the country.
Occasionally, she'll check in as the most obnoxious breed of hotel guest: the road-weary whiner.
After a six-hour flight from New York I check into the Four Seasons Hotel in Westlake Village near Los Angeles, exhausted.
Jurors were read a deposition from Chicago detective Kenneth Berris, the first investigator to check the Chicago hotel room where Simpson spent several hours after the June 12, 1994, slayings in Los Angeles.
There is even a national website for travelers to check-up on the hotel they plan to stay in.
Once completed, Nobu Hotel will have 180 rooms, 16 suites, a private elevator bank leading up to the hotel tower, a separate check-in area and its own service staff.
FORBES: Nobu Hotel Slated To Open This Fall At Caesars Palace
If your tolerance for Brooklyn preciousness is low, limit yourself to dinner and resist the urge to check out the hotel rooms upstairs: they are lovely in a reclaimed-wood-and-exposed-brick kind of way, but the twee factor is pretty intense.
The Palms in Las Vegas is matching hotel guest check-ins with Klout scores.
According to the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) there are some 30, 000 of them in the U.S., hired by luxury hotel brands to check-in anonymously and judge mercilessly.
The major hotel chain that figures out a way to implement "anytime check-in" on a mass scale will become the new Hilton.
The hotel's round-trip shuttle transports you and your creative-director-in-crime from Miami International Airport to the luxurious hotel, where you receive a bottle of sparkling wine at check-in and an upgrade from a studio to a stylish one-bedroom suite.