Even with the help of some contract chemists, perfecting Spillinex took the better part of a year.
In one room chemists are fabricating a range of organic molecules they hope will function as mechanical components.
Traditionally research chemists carry out four experiments a day, mixing chemicals in bucketlike containers.
FORBES: Upstart Symyx is shaking up the stodgy chemicals industry.
For simple chest infections most of the chemists sold innocuous cough mixtures, lozenges or decongestants.
Klein says the continuous simulations give chemists confidence they are on the right track.
We need chemists and biologists in flashy cars and physicists to wear less black.
Bayer chemists developed Nexavar based on proteins Onyx identified that showed promise for halting tumor growth.
Many of the project leaders in offshore CROs are Big Pharma trained medicinal chemists.
Bars, restaurants, chemists, petrol stations and newsagents will not be affected by the new rules.
By the mid-1990s Lilly's chemists had devised drugs that did this in lab mice.
But chemists are scrambling to turn the proof of concept into a working piece of electronics.
Its portfolio is broad, training mechanics, plumbers and electricians alongside chemists, musicians and beauty therapists.
The facility plans to hire 80 more senior chemists and biochemists within the next two years.
When the emergency was announced it was left to individual chemists to warn their regular patients.
Chemists call it "thermal runaway, " an ever-increasing heating process that can cause the battery to ignite.
Astronomers frequently take a more light-hearted approach than chemists, as the example of Bagehot shows.
Working from this basic palette, chemists like Harfouch create the plethora of hues that color our diets.
FORBES: Jelly Beans: Which Color Is Most Popular At Easter? Why We Love Colored Foods
Chemists have been directed not to stock more than 1, 000 bottles of Phensedyl syrup at a time.
Sandoz chemists discovered Zelmac serendipitously in the late 1980s while looking for chemicals that might improve memory.
Therefore our team is strong in biologists and chemists--because their fields are what I am weakest in.
For instance, chemists have not yet figured out an easy way to make a synthetic patchouli scent.
The biologists and the chemists and the atmospheric physicists disagree violently as to the cause of this.
The court heard Buckley recruited chemists Zhang and Hu from China to help set up a laboratory.
It involves chemists at what is now Novartis not only inventing LSD, but also trying it out.
Chemists in every locality have signs now advertising that they sell pepper-sprays - mostly sourced from China.
The Barcelona Pharmacists' Association, Collegi de Farmaceutics, which proposed the project, says the use of chemists is key.
Barer put David Stirling, one of his best chemists, in charge of trying to fix this poisonous molecule.
Thalidomide was discovered by accident in 1954 by chemists in Germany who were trying to produce an anti-histamine.
The old, more costly and time-consuming way of inventing smells requires chemists to make molecules and then sniff them.
The pharmaceutical companies, for example, are not giving the chemists medicines because they are waiting for a price hike.