• "Anytime you see him scrambling around like a chicken with his head cut off, it's shocking, because you don't see it very often, " defensive lineman Trevor Pryce said.

    WSJ: A Defensive Masterpiece

  • Barry Coppinger hired Middlesbrough Council's head of community protection Ed Chicken in his first week in post.

    BBC: Barry Coppinger

  • Barry Coppinger has hired Middlesbrough Council's head of community safety Ed Chicken to the role in his first week in charge.

    BBC: Barry Coppinger

  • ' Over a dinner of a chicken impaled and roasted on a spike, its head still attached, with fiddlehead ferns and whole sprouting peanuts, the owner of the plantation put a different angle to me: 'Picking tea - it's women's work - it always has been.

    BBC: Here be dragons

  • As Bob Reischauer, a former head of the Congressional Budget Office, puts it, both sides are indulging in a game of chicken.

    ECONOMIST: Budgetary follies

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