His backers in the labour movement may not say "chicken" out loud but there are bound to be mutterings in the ranks.
Their actions were indicative of the fear that the game of chicken is getting out of hand.
They'll just pull to the curb and they'll start passing out chicken dinners.
Just this morning I turned on my car in the driveway (the car I lent to a 17-year-old African-born youth last night so he could drive with other African-born youths to a Korean take-out chicken place called Mo Betta Wings) and an X-rated hip-hop song blasted with such explosive force from the radio that, for a second, I thought I'd been in an accident.
John, I would not be a bit surprised if we walk out these doors today, every chicken on this island will be standing out there in the street waiting for their leader.
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And so somebody would break out in chicken pox, and so there'd be a party to expose people.
So in a state known for its big barbeque and fried chicken, Austin turns out to be a panacea for vegetarian diners.
The court heard it was made out of chicken wire, and as the cat entered a peg was dislodged, sealing the cage with a plastic flap.
BBC: Pensioner Gordon Wilson trapped neighbour's cats in cage
He explained how he had just gotten his chicken pot-pie out and the storm started coming and he went into the closet, and came out without a scratch.
Well, you know what, if you pull up behind our police station and say you're giving out free chicken dinners, you'll probably have 50 cops in line waiting for a free chicken dinner.
Ted Giannoulas was a student at San Diego State University in the early 1970s when he accepted a gig to don a chicken suit and hand out Easter eggs to kids at the San Diego Zoo.
The archaic technology for making them, which involves injecting influenza virus into chicken eggs and separating out the resulting antibodies, only allows for a few flu strains to be included and they must be picked far in advance.
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Now when your chicken is home alone, you can reach out to him (literally) by petting a highly amusing chicken doll whose sensors transmit touch data to an electronic jacket worn by the chicken.
ENGADGET: You got to know your chicken, and you can do it through the web
Will consumers be willing to fork out more for chicken dinners this winter?
In 1985 someone in the U.S. figured out that lowly chicken feet would have a huge market in China.
You will find yourself in the midst of a sensory assault as you soak up the aroma of roast chicken and bratwurst, pick out a colourful gingerbread heart to take home to your loved ones and avert your gaze from the pimply-faced teen who has had one beer too many.
Marcia Carman, who ran the branch until she retired a few months before it closed, notes that a number of businesses, including a chicken production plant, had moved out of town.
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Lawyers for Perdue, which owned the chickens, and the Hudson family said chicken manure wasn't getting out in great enough amounts to pollute, and farmer Alan Hudson testified that he took steps to avoid pollution and to keep the manure in chicken houses.
Supersizing a meal at McDonald's, Burger King or Kentucky Fried Chicken costs a consumer only 67 cents out of pocket.
The student met the trio by chance as he ate in Krunchy Fried Chicken takeaway in Fallowfield after enjoying a night out with fellow students at a city centre bar.
We have a lot of briskets going out, a lot of barbecued chicken, some jalapeno cornbreads and some things like that, said Bennett Fass, the chief Aramark chef at the convention.
One of the most successful direct-to-consumer books actually came out years ago: "Chicken Soup for the Soul" sold over 2 million copies from its self-published origins in 1993 while the tools for all this were still in their infancy.
Imagine a sheet of carbon atoms laid out on a hexagonal grid, like chicken-wire.
Nineteen people sit at small tables in a room tricked out to look like a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurant.
Directed by Grant Orchard of Studio AKA, A Morning Stroll shows a New Yorker out for a walk when he passes a chicken in the street.
But with a service area of 635 square miles, and 8, 500 citizens to serve -- in a state that the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality recently recently ranked worst in delivering health care services -- Ballinger officials, like many rural health care providers, say they want Congress to keep them out of a high-stakes games of political chicken.
Readers may recall our piece early last year on the role of English chicken farmer Antony Fisher in instigating and inspiring this work, carried out today by a welter of organizations at the international, regional and national levels.
For children, roughly 9 out of 10 children vaccinated with a single dose of the chicken pox vaccine will develop immunity against chicken pox.
So eventually, if they were to succeed, once somebody is out of the picture, the next one will be the chicken farm down the road.
The survey also found nine out of 10 people would complain if they were served undercooked chicken in a restaurant or by their partner, but only three quarters would speak up if their mother-in-law was cooking, or at a business lunch.