Mathews keeps an archive of press coverage from the daily El Heraldo de Chihuahua.
He started using the FURminator on his dog, Turkey, a suspected long-haired Chihuahua-dachshund mix.
That sum doesn't include individual policies sold to rich guys from Chennai to Chihuahua.
EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS and a pensive chihuahua partly explain the success of two of Japan's consumer-finance firms.
The chihuahua is helping Aiful, the fourth-largest firm, to increase its share of new loans.
Since then, it has reviewed 205 files of 323 murders committed between 1993 and 2001 in Chihuahua.
Everyone got T-shirts of a cartoon Chihuahua with a giant bone inscribed, "Dogfood"--as in eat your own.
Armchair strategists talk about "balancing the ticket, " but it's like balancing a Great Dane with a Chihuahua.
Yet in January they and their two kids decided to move from the city of Chihuahua to El Paso, Tex.
One large dog, he found, was blowing his cool after hearing the Chihuahua next door yapping for hours.
WSJ: Hawaii Turns to Dog Shrink as 'Incessant Barkers' Cut Plea Deals
You've got a tragically hungry Chihuahua on your hands, and you're in sore need of a caviar facial.
In March Wainwright hired licensing agent Brian Hakan, the same guy who worked magic for Taco Bell's talking chihuahua.
Since his first experience, Barish has bought two photo blankets and Fernando, a Chihuahua statue, for his friends.
The day I adopted Frieda (the Chihuahua) I called one of my best friends, who was also my business partner.
Neighbor Gisela Casella, 72, said they greeted each other in the mornings when she took her mixed terrier Chihuahua out for a walk.
He was transferred to a maximum security prison 400 kilometres away in the state capital of Chihuahua - and placed in solitary confinement.
Ricardo Boone Salmon, a congressman for Chihuahua state, said they were calling on the interior ministry to ban Call of Juarez: The Cartel.
To cite one small example, the New York Chihuahua club organised a protest by city dog owners against attempts to close dog parks.
The murder rate has fallen substantially since 2010, according to Chihuahua state figures, but the bad reputation is not likely to fade fast.
FORBES: Looking Back at 2012: A Year of #Mexico #Drugwar Tweets
In 1986, in protest against fraudulent elections in the northern state of Chihuahua, the archbishop suspended church services across the state for one Sunday.
Among them were several cities with a reputation for violence, such as Saltillo, Tijuana and Chihuahua, where mass nighttime bike rides have already caught on.
Friday's warning also specifies dangers and advises against nonessential travel in parts of the states of Durango, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora and Zacatecas.
The yard, though only about 500 square feet, opened from the kitchen and was a perfect space for their dog, Silenzio, a Chihuahua and miniature Schnauzer mix.
But I'm very happy with Chihuahua at the moment, because I think Chihuahua lovers out there, who are watching this, wouldn't want me to insult that particular dog.
She has been, depending on how one holds her in the light, a small Jack Russell, a large Chihuahua, a Rat Terrier, a Fox Terrier and a Corgi with legs.
Assembly workers were disassembled in the sprawling Chihuahua desert.
But Attorney General for Chihuahua State Carlos Manuel Salas says her death was the result of an "unfortunate encounter" with the teenagers, who got involved in an argument with Ms Chavez and strangled her.
The two guns were subsequently linked to the suspects in the torture and killing of Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez, the brother of Patricia Gonzalez Rodriguez, who was then attorney general of the Mexican state of Chihuahua.
FORBES: Operation Fast and Furious Linked to Death of Mexican Attorney
Enrique Torres, spokesman for the Chihuahua Joint Operation, said by Sunday there will be 7, 500 military personnel, 2, 300 federal police and 1, 600 city police working together to patrol the city and aggressively fight the cartels.
CNN: Nine bodies found in common grave near Ciudad Juarez, Mexico