High levels of infant and child mortality and preference for sons means that women delay sterilisation.
The country's success in reducing child mortality and population growth can be models for other countries.
These include cutting poverty in half, reducing child mortality by two-thirds and ensuring universal primary education.
The child mortality rate, of course, is directly tied to the standard of living that a culture experiences.
Child mortality rates have decreased significantly, with 12 countries reporting declines of more than 4.4% per year.
The obvious targets were world agencies who bought immunizations in bulk to reduce child mortality in developing countries.
The one that is moving in the right direction, above that significance level, is that child mortality one.
FORBES: Jeff Sach's Lancet Paper on Millennium Villages: Actual Scientists Seriously Unimpressed
The last decade has seen extraordinary progress with child mortality rates coming down significantly all over the world.
FORBES: Significant Progress in Lowering Child Mortality, But We Must Not Be Complacent
This is one of the world's poorest countries with among the highest rates of malnutrition and child mortality.
You might expect that countries which reduced their birth rates the most would also have cut child mortality comparably.
After 2015, the UK should also support Indian non-government organisations to tackle child mortality and improve health provision, it urged.
In 2012 our impact report showed clear reductions in child mortality and malnutrition and improvements in education across sponsorship programmes.
In one of the greatest humanitarian achievements of the past 50 years, child mortality has dropped by 70 percent world-wide.
The concrete goal of reducing child mortality by two-thirds created a clear target by which to measure success or failure.
And every day we get closer to the Millennium Development Goal deadline of reducing child mortality by two-thirds by 2015.
Over 10 years, Chowdhury says the program witnessed a decline in child mortality rates and increases in household income and education.
The top rates of decline in African child mortality are the fastest seen in the world for at least 30 years.
Senegal, Ethiopia and Ghana all reduced fertility and child mortality a lot.
America's life expectancy, at 47 years in 1900, has soared to 77.6 years, but most of the gain came from reducing child mortality.
The decline in child mortality in the Millennium Villages seems to actually be below what is happening in the countries as a whole.
FORBES: Jeff Sach's Millennium Villages Showing Zero Results
These three now have the same level of child mortality as India, one of the most successful economies in the world during the past decade.
In large parts of the world, better hygiene, nutrition and medicine have almost abolished child mortality, meaning the advantage of K over r is diminished.
While the charity acknowledges progress has been made in goals such as reducing child mortality, the report says this has been uneven across income groups.
Literacy is at the heart of basic Education for All, and essential for eradicating poverty, reducing child mortality, achieving gender equality and ensuring sustainable development, peace and democracy.
Literacy is at the heart of basic Education for All and is essential for eradicating poverty, reducing child mortality, achieving gender equality and ensuring sustainable development, peace and democracy.
Ethiopia has lowered child mortality more than 60% since 1990, putting the country on track to achieve the Millennium goal of lowering child mortality two-thirds by 2015, compared with 1990.
Giant clinical trials in several African countries in the '90s found the nets reduced malaria cases by 60% and overall child mortality by nearly 20%, better than anyone had expected.
But while the scale of improvements in child survival is immense, globally we are still far short of achieving Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4 to reduce child mortality by two-thirds.
FORBES: The Missing Link: Reaching the Poorest Children with Life-saving Commodities
More striking, the average fall is faster than it was in China in the early 1980s, when child mortality was declining around 3% a year, admittedly from a lower base.