The writers of Children of Men won the Scripter Award for best adaptation of a book.
The brother and sister team behind the James Bond films, Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson, are both made OBEs, as is Iain Smith, the producer behind movies such as The Fifth Element and Children of Men.
However, if the mutations are inherited, then the children of women with Alzheimer's disease should be more likely to carry the mutation than the children of afflicted men.
It would be a bitter irony, indeed, if the funds that went to ensure the safety of the men, women and children of Somalia -- a worthy cause indeed -- are permitted to be taken from accounts intended to ensure the safety of the men, women and children of the United States against the threat of ballistic missile attack.
Later Saturday, singer Katy Perry headlined a concert for children of service men and women and Washington schoolchildren that was hosted by the first lady and Mrs.
Worldwide, as many as 40% of children, 33% of non-smoking men and 35% non-smoking women were exposed to second-hand smoke in 2004, researchers found.
Then in 1988, together with a group of other dedicated men, we developed the National Compadres Network, an organization dedicated to building and strengthening the positive involvement of Latino men in the lives of their children and families.
Tens of thousands of men, women and children have set up camp on the white sands of the river front.
But it says a successful marriage generally, and particularly the ideal raising of children, are reliant upon "the complementary gifts of men and women".
We become numb to the day-to-day crises, the slow-moving tragedies of children without food and men without shelter and families without health care.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at National Prayer Breakfast
Seeing the smiling faces of the men, women, and children make for a lifetime of unforgettable memories.
Through a shaky camera in the damp and dark mines of eastern Congo, filmmaker Frank Poulsen introduces us to some of the young men (and even children) toiling at the first stage of Congo's lucrative business in tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold.
See, I take seriously the importance of fathers -- men -- in the lives of children.
They are valleys of old men and old women, of mothers and children.
We honor the dignity, courage, and determination of these men, women and children who have fled persecution and violence in their homelands and the commitment and generosity of the countries and organizations that provide them protection and assistance during this difficult time.
Other figures from the chief inspector of prisons' annual review of children and young people in custody, found a quarter of young men in custody said they had been bullied or attacked by a fellow inmate and 23% claimed to have been "victimised" by a prison officer.
Children develop ideas about the roles of men and women even before they start school.
The jury in the trial of two men accused of murdering a man and his two children in a deliberate fire has heard of the family's last moments together.
None of the men survived and fewer than 20 of the women and children lived.
Once again it appears that women are penalized in ways that men are not for making the choice to have children and that their salaries continue to lag behind those of men.
It's a small-scale department store with a variety of clothes for children, women and men.
Women judged the noises he made embarrassing, children found them a source of amusement, men a proof of imbecility.
In Medicine, an allegorical Hygiena stands in front of Suffering Humanity, a huddled mass of men, women and children.
They saved lives -- countless lives -- of men and women and children.
And then we lose sight of the children without food and the men without shelter and the families without health care.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at National Prayer Breakfast
Lesser respect, fewer jobs, lower pay, no political power, burdened with children and dependent upon men, many of whom could not be depended upon.
Alongside her husband, she grew Sharing and Caring Hands from a small storefront operation in downtown Minneapolis into a charity that provides thousands of men, women and children the chance to live in health and dignity.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents the 2012 Presidential Citizens Medals | The White House
From Syria to the Sahel, Yemen to Sudan, the eastern Horn of Africa to the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, these unarmed aid workers risk their lives to provide life-saving assistance to millions of men, women and children.
WHITEHOUSE: Statement by the Press Secretary on World Humanitarian Day