She's Emily Taylor, a victim of chronic depression with darting eyes and a haunted demeanor.
WSJ: Pleasure Pill | Side Effects | Identity Thief | Lore | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern
The remaining third suffer from a variety of health problems, from physical disability to chronic depression.
And for Roger, who suffers with chronic, severe depression, becoming incapable of making good medical decisions is a real concern.
Even for those who don't struggle with chronic or seasonal depression, there are myriad reasons why some approach December with dread.
His medical records show that over the next few weeks, the doctors at the base diagnosed him with chronic PTSD and depression.
Others are turned off by Chesnutt's unpredictable live performances, famously ruined in the past by his chronic bouts with depression, anxiety and alcohol abuse.
Despite the fact that doctors at Fort Carson diagnosed Talley with chronic PTSD and depression, his commanding officers charged him with a military crime and demoted him in rank.
This is of particular concern because there's a direct link between stress, anxiety, depression and chronic disease.
Eeyore has chronic dysthymia (mild depression) and could benefit greatly from an antidepressant.
But placebos can have powerful beneficial effects for many health conditions, ranging from depression and chronic pain to Parkinson's disease.
They experience higher incidents of alcoholism, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and insomnia.
This knowledge makes it essential to identify and treat those whose emotional pain is likely to become chronic, causing debilitating depression or even death.
The Food and Drug Administration has approved deep-brain stimulation to treat Parkinson's and a movement disorder known as dystonia, and it is used to treat chronic pain and severe depression.
The effort comes amid growing concern about the risk of brain injuries in football, but the scope extends well beyond concussions to bone and joint injury, heart disease, depression and chronic pain that affect many players long after their careers are over.
Moreover, she adds, the richest countries in the world also tend to have the greatest levels of income inequality, which has been linked to higher rates of depression as well as many other chronic diseases.
CNN: People in affluent nations may be more depression-prone
By the end of their careers, NFL players may emerge with all sorts of injuries -- chronic pain, arthritis, joints needing replacement, depression, diabetes, heart problems and concussion-related dementia, among others -- so many they have become a cohort ripe for study.
Hospital workers also had rates of emergency department utilization and hospital admission for a number of chronic medical ailments including congestive heart failure, hypertension, depression, coronary artery disease, diabetes, asthma as well as obesity.
FORBES: Are Hospital Employees Less Healthy than other U.S. Workers?
After all, night workers sacrifice their own health to keep our 24-7 society running safely, facing increased risks of cancer, hypertension, heart disease, hormonal disruption, obesity, diabetes, depression and occupational injury due to sleep deficiency and chronic occupational jet lag.
Asthma, congestive heart failure, depression, coronary artery disease and diabetes--they're the five major chronic conditions that drive the vast majority of health care costs.