Loss adjustors have already visited the church to survey the shattered stained glass window depicting a nativity scene, a broken 17th Century wooden pulpit, a dented lectern and, most importantly, a smashed Victorian frieze behind the altar.
BBC: Prayers said at damaged abbey
Those visiting the church will also see a stained-glass window, known as the choir window, which was donated by the Goldwater family in memory of Barry Goldwater's parents.
CNN: Goldwater's Body To Be Cremated; Funeral Set For Wednesday
It was a beautiful, unassuming church meticulously made out of stone and stained glass.
BBC: In Ireland, hiking for ancient relics hidden by fog
Framed by a stained-glass window at the Shrine Church of St.
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"There should be no stained-glass ceiling for women in our church, " she told MPs.
BBC: Women bishops vote: Church of England 'resembles sect'
To our disbelief a beautiful Ethiopian Orthodox church was looted - the inner sanctuary descrated, stained-glass windows broken, holy paintings ripped up, crosses - even those in the graveyards - looted.
BBC: De-mining in the Horn
Police launch an inquiry after stained glass windows are smashed in a Great Yarmouth church.
BBC: Why are vandalism rates falling?
And they have helped to restore a little church that was crumbling away - now it again has stained-glass windows, funded by the Cuban-American diaspora.
BBC: Cuban-Americans debate the embargo
Still, the legend endures, as do calls for women to break through the stained-glass ceiling and have a greater say in the church.