The long decline in Anglican churchgoing is levelling off, the Church of England has said.
BBC: Church of England attendances 'stabilising'
Washington, for example, has a tradition of hands-off libertarianism and a low churchgoing rate.
ECONOMIST: Gay marriage
In Britain, Canada and Australia the figures are in the 30s, still far healthier than churchgoing.
Dexter had bonded with an older killer named Trinity, a churchgoing family man modelled on the BTK Killer.
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Christmas churchgoing rose by 14% and the number of baptisms also rose.
BBC: Church of England attendances 'stabilising'
In fifth place was "Sparkle, " a remake of a movie about a churchgoing teenager in 1950s Harlem who becomes a famous singer.
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Instead, they point out that their co-religionists work hard for whatever prominence they now enjoy as the biggest body of churchgoing Christians.
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For them, churchgoing is a matter of personal belief, not conservative activism.
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This song is freely adapted from her CD of country-music hymns, the one she plays to get into a churchgoing mood on Sunday mornings.
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That contentment is a product of her faith: a devout Presbyterian, Rice told White House staff members not to page her during Sunday churchgoing hours.
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But never mind: another round of apologies, and Middle America's churchgoing fans will settle back in front of the tube, ready to be shocked by the next scuffle.
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Not exactly what all the good churchgoing folks were promised.
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Marshall was a loyal, churchgoing man, a Purple Heart recipient wounded in Iwo Jima during World War II and a son who tried mightily but could never live up to the high ideals of his socialite mother, according to letters friends submitted to the court.
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