Normally 6, 000 workers churn out 240, 000 cars a year, a twentieth of Honda's global output.
It actually caused the mouse cells to churn out twice as much of the protein.
Wall Street investment banks churn out research every day much like factories produce widgets.
Your phone and PC still churn out electrons, which must be whipped along copper cables.
The polymerase helps the virus churn out millions of copies of its RNA genetic material.
The best defense, though, is a good offense: churn out the next blockbuster drug.
But the urban plants probably churn out a big share of the goodies that America buys.
No need to wait for universities to churn out Data Scientists in his opinion.
FORBES: Big Data Needs Data Scientists, Or Quants, Or Excel Jockeys
And myriad companies churn out the fake Gillettes and Rolexes sold on street corners.
Without an overhaul of the education system, universities will continue to churn out unemployable young people.
The tiny country continues to churn out an extraordinary number of talented young players.
When Zynga fails to acquire a popular IP, they just churn out a knock-off.
FORBES: Clone Wars: Zynga Vs. EA And The Baffling Laziness Of Copycat Games
"If everyone chips in, " says Fabricius, they can churn out a pair in one to three days.
Are there any limits to the opinions they churn out, or any standards to rein them in?
WSJ: America's Newest Profession: Blogging – Mark Penn,
China is famous for its factories, but less so for its ability to churn out small businesses.
FORBES: 11 Tips For Success For Startups Looking To Sell On China's Taobao
Zynga still needs to churn out its own hit games both on the desktop and on mobile.
FORBES: Zynga Launches First Third-Party Games On, Adds New Partners
Other inventors have used the space to churn out working jetpacks, nanosatellites and remote-control submersibles.
It will need to churn out revised employment tax forms and instructions, plus explanatory information for employees.
Earlier this century it expanded its factory so it could churn out ukuleles, which were a huge fad.
Now, as more and more writers churn out both scripts and novels, the influence goes the other way.
WSJ: Nancy Bilyeau: What Novelists Can Learn From Screenwriting | Word Craft
However, that progress is uneven, and the dirtiest plants continue to churn out thousands of pounds of toxins.
When these so-called nicotinic receptors are occupied by acetylcholine molecules, a cell is encouraged to churn out dopamine.
ECONOMIST: Great drug, shame about the delivery system | The
They should take a multifaceted approach--not simply churn out lawsuits and pink slips.
Again, the local vocational college has promised to churn out suitably qualified workers.
ECONOMIST: How the euro and technology are changing an island economy
Internet mapping sites feature detailed maps that can pinpoint street locations, churn out road conditions and provide destination routes.
Zynga faces a bigger issue: whether it can continue to churn out winners.
WSJ: HEARD ON THE STREET: Zynga Wants to Be More Than Just a Facebook Friend
They churn out enzymes that break up the dead tissue and liquefies it.
The European meat grinder continues to churn out uncertainty, volatility, and falling equities.
FORBES: Greek Default Fears Spoil The Fun And Send Global Equities Plummeting
Microsoft continues to churn out new versions of its Window system, and expand its presence in the device area.
And no one knows how much more Saudi Arabia can churn out now.