He also owns restaurant chains, department stores, construction companies, banks and bakeries and cigarette manufacturers.
And he says that, "rather like some people need a cigarette, I need a walk".
Is the stuff that makes soda sweet as bad for you as the nicotine in a cigarette?
She nodded at my grandfather while pointing the burning tip of her cigarette at me.
The first clinical and epidemiological studies linking cigarette-smoking and lung cancer were published only in 1950.
We envy those people with the cigarette boats we see on our 50 inch TVs.
Gallegos urged the members of Congress to get a kid's view on cigarette advertising.
Banzhaf III , better known for the blizzard of lawsuits he's filed against cigarette companies.
Male smokers clocked in at 56% of e-cigarette users versus 44% for women smokers.
Fanny Mann sang, finally lighting her cigarette, mindful of the flame so near her bandages.
You can imagine that this fact has not gone unnoticed by non-Indian nation cigarette retailers.
Defying gravity, defying sense, it grew longer than the unsmoked part of the cigarette.
There's no diet, or vitamin supplement, that could ever counter the toxic effects of cigarette smoke.
Cigarette volumes fell about 5 percent to 29.7 billion cigarettes compared with a year ago.
Last year, Vladimir Putin proposed a ban on cigarette ads in print by 2012.
In people with effective enzymes, nicotine vanishes rapidly, so they need another cigarette soon.
He told the officer he would lead him to the body in return for a cigarette.
The lights of the skyscrapers below glow like burning cigarette ends through the murk of twilight.
There are cases where the science is clear and the public believes: Cigarette smoking.
If there really were the political will to end cigarette use, there are ways.
The next frontier of cigarette excise avoidance is more high tech than rolling your own.
Ms Xu still has the pile of cigarette stubs they left on the floor.
In the editing room, Haggis felt the need for a cigarette, so we walked outside.
The following year, cigarette sales declined for the first time in over two decades.
Last quarter it posted operating income growth of 6% (yoy) through charging higher revenue per cigarette.
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Collectors likewise are hovering over cigarette cases, pipes and snuff boxes belonging to Philip Morris.
Was he smiling, was he sucking at the end of a cigarette, did he wave?
Most states have tacked on additional taxes, which puts a big crimp on cigarette consumption.
"To increase cigarette sales, you've got to take market share from somebody else, " says Lamb.
Tobacco companies created a brand for the independent woman adding a cigarette to the picture.
FORBES: A Nurse's Mission To Keep Chinese Women From Smoking