We share his enthusiasm for civil liberties and his willingness to stand up for immigrants.
The Detroit ruling is pretty close to a slam-dunk victory for the American Civil Liberties Union.
Libertarians worry that this technology, and newly acquired government surveillance powers, could compromise civil liberties.
The American Civil Liberties Union has also opposed Cispa, saying the bill was "fatally flawed".
The decision was met with some criticism, including from the American Civil Liberties Union.
January 1972: National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL) begins survey on police harassment of gays.
Earlier this week, the American Civil Liberties Union spoke out against the practice.
Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union see DNA evidence as a slippery slope, however.
Agencies are required to incorporate privacy and civil liberties safeguards in their implementation activities.
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It adds that "strong privacy and civil liberties protections" should be incorporated into the new procedures.
Democrats say they are trying to balance concerns about civil liberties against the government's spy powers.
"I urge calm and sensitivity to the fundamental civil liberties of our country, " said Craig.
This should be viewed as a civic duty, not a threat to civil liberties.
Nevertheless, the American Civil Liberties Union has launched legal action against the Department of Defense.
The American Civil Liberties Union sued, and a federal judge ordered them opened in 1989.
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Much of the nobility of America lies in our taking our civil liberties seriously.
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She in turn contacted the local American Civil Liberties Union chapter, which agreed to take the case.
Charities and civil liberties campaigners expressed concerns about the proposals in a public consultation earlier this year.
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The American Civil Liberties Union has expressed concern about the information visible through Facebook quizzes and applications.
Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, which is representing the plaintiffs in the case.
"The Lib Dem leadership have decided that civil liberties is not a red line issue, " she said.
BBC: Lib Dems reject 'secret courts' plan at spring conference
"He's not a household name, " said civil liberties lawyer Norman Siegel, a frequent critic of NYPD tactics.
Civil liberties campaign group Liberty welcomed the fall in such searches but urged ministers to introduce restrictions.
But this year is unusual, says Jennifer Dalven of the American Civil Liberties Union, an advocacy group.
Lieberman and Collins have said they have included provisions to ensure privacy and civil liberties aren't violated.
Members of the groups that spoke Wednesday also called for heightened awareness and protection of civil liberties.
"It's misleading people, " said Lucas Guttentag, director of the immigrants' rights project for the American Civil Liberties Union.
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The debate came down to whether preserving longstanding civil liberties makes sense in an age of terrorist attacks.
Registration is tough, especially for charities dealing with such subjects as legal reform, the environment, or civil liberties.