You've been in the game for a long time, practiced civil rights law for years in Mississippi.
Abraham sued Hyundai and James Menzie , its personnel manager, in California state court on a host of legal theories, including a novel reading of California's civil rights law, the Unruh Act.
Abraham sued Hyundai and James Menzie, its personnel manager, in a California state court on a host of legal theories, including a novel reading of California's civil rights law, the Unruh Act.
Five former clients of the Council on American- Islamic Relations (CAIR) have filed two separate lawsuits in federal court alleging criminal fraud and breach of fiduciary duty against CAIR, a self-described Muslim public interest civil rights law firm.
The city said that under a federal civil rights law known as Title VII, employers must ban actions such as promotion tests that would have a "disparate impact" on a protected class, such as a specified race or gender.
CNN: High court backs firefighters in reverse discrimination suit
"This is a very basic consumer-protection law and it is also a very basic civil-rights law, " said Mr. Mintz.
For more on that report, I sat down with Gary Orfield, professor of education and director of Harvard's Civil Rights Project, and John Brittain, chief counsel and senior deputy for the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.
Mr. JOHN BRITTAIN (Chief Counsel and Senior Deputy, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law): I don't think we went wrong.
Barbara Arnwine, executive director of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law, and Ted Shaw, director-counsel and president of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, I thank you both for joining us.
Ms. BARBARA ARWINE (Executive Director, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law): What's beautiful about the Kimberly Samuels story is just how determined she is to vote, and how she's, you know, struggled with her life problems, and how she is still committed to her city.
"I think that he has a thoughtful approach with balancing the needs for healthy law enforcement with the rights of civil liberties for law-abiding New York City residents, " Mr. Jeffries said.
There are already at least nine separate investigations in process, including those by the U.S. Office of Education, the U.S. Department of Civil Rights, and several law enforcement agencies within Pennsylvania.
FORBES: For Penn State, This Is A Chance To Get Priorities Straight
This new policy deeply undermines the Obama administration's stated commitment to civil rights, equality before the law, and a much-needed effort to rebuild U.S.-Muslim world relations since the disastrous presidency of George W. Bush.
John Wadham, director of civil rights organisation Liberty, described the law as "a fundamental part of our criminal justice system".
In 1968, the Civil Rights Act of 1968 was signed into law by President Lyndon B.
The primary source of harassment law is the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Obviously the federal argument is based on preemption, but civil rights groups who are suing say the law will lead to racial discrimination.
On Monday, the inquiry published evidence from organisations including the Home Office, the Association of Police Authorities, the Police Federation, the Law Society and the civil rights group, Liberty.
Khalil al-Marzook, a senior Wefaq leader, was cautiously optimistic about the prince's comments on Friday but warned that "establishing the rule of law without civil and political rights is putting the horse before the cart".
They may receive payment under federal or state civil rights and compensation statutes or under the common law of false imprisonment.
They consider the law a guarantor of their civil rights and say it gives them the green light to fully participate in society.
He finished law school in 1991, having served as the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, and then returned to Chicago to teach constitutional law and practice as a civil rights lawyer.
In 2010, Lauderdale County officials and the center reached an agreement to reform the jail system and consider alternatives to sending youths to the detention center, said the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit civil rights group.
We honor the courageous men and women who fought to bring those ageless ideals of freedom and fairness into the rule of law -- from the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act to Title IX and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
She attended Harvard Law and clerked for the great civil rights judge John Robert Brown.
"Vermont's civil-union law has extended the same state rights, responsibilities and benefits of marriage to same-sex couples, " the governor said.
Federal prosecutors are considering taking on the case as a possible civil-rights violation, and the family have a civil claim against the government for excessive use of force by law-enforcement officials.
In Washington, well-known civil rights attorney, Ralph Neas, noted that US federal law prohibits targeting challenges to voters, even if there is a basis for the challenge, if race is a factor in targeting the voters.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | New Florida vote scandal feared
But such talk failed even to reassure Arizona's own legislators, who moved last Friday--less than two weeks after the law was passed--to amend the law's more draconian provisions after civil rights groups threatened to sue on constitutional grounds.
Nevertheless, the court's ruling further smudges the already blurred line between discrimination on the basis of sex, which is what is actually outlawed by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (the primary source of sexual-harassment law), and mere incivility or, in Mr Oncale's case, criminal assault.