If they do, they're subject to civil suits, including compensation for emotional injury and punitive damages.
Private labs are subject to civil liability claims and administrative fines, giving them financial incentives to get it right.
Moreover, at this point, outdated economists still peddling hoary Keynesian fallacies should be subject to civil liability for fraud.
In addition to the criminal charges, Mr Serageldin and his colleagues, David Higgs and Salmaan Siddiqui, were the subject of civil charges from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
He was the subject of a civil lawsuit by the Justice Department alleging civil rights violations.
Similarly, negligence claims are usually brought in the jurisdiction in which the treatment was provided and are therefore subject to the civil law procedures in that country.
The stop-and-frisk tactic, under which officers stop, question and sometimes frisk people they reasonably suspect of having committed a crime, has been the subject of a civil trial in federal court in Manhattan.
In Schiedler v. the National Organization for Women, the Supreme Court determined that, in theory, even a political advocacy group could be subject to a civil-RICO accusation for actions that have nothing to do with financial gain.
FORBES: Can, and Should, NewsCorp Actually Be Tried Like the Mafia?
The bank's Executive Life deal has been the subject of criminal and civil investigations in America since 1998-99.
An individual who fails to pay the penalty is not subject to criminal or additional civil penalties.
FORBES: Obamacare Insurance Mandate - Another Circuit Heard From
Senior officials from the Pentagon and State Department said they've warned contractors that, starting January 1, 2009, they will be subject to Iraqi criminal and civil law.
The legislature passed a bill that would have provided that qualified users, providers and health care professionals shall not be arrested, prosecuted or subject to other criminal sanctions or civil consequences under state law, so long as certain criteria are met.
FORBES: On Medical Marijuana, Federal Law Leaves States In Purple Haze
The company would also face liability for civil penalties for failing to report and deposit the subject taxes.
Will the taxpayer who makes a voluntary disclosure now be subject to the full brunt of the civil tax penalties?
California's Henry Waxman said DeLay and his associates have been the subject of too many ethical complaints and civil charges for him to be surprised.
In July 2008, about the same time as these two insider trading violations presented here, Douglas Rappaport and Joshua Sohn, partners at DLA Piper, published an article The New York Law Journal on the subject of what actions would constitute criminal action versus civil action for insider trading.
FORBES: Insider Trading -- Why Are Offenders Treated So Differently?
So too, you have failed to give a categorical assurance that neither you, Ministers nor any Home Office officials were aware that Damian Green or any other Member of Parliament were the subject of the police investigation following the arrest of a junior Home Office civil servant on 19 November.
True, Welfare's willingness to let civil servants wear head-scarves in public offices contravenes a high-court ruling on the subject.
According to a new presidential decree, signed on Tuesday, thousands of Russian civil servants have until July 1 to file declarations of income and assets, which will be subject to stringent checks.
Imperial College London was ranked as the world leader in civil engineering, while 17 other UK universities were in the world top 20 for at least one subject.