This same class of business globe trotter is also accustomed to Asia being on the radar.
Surface Pro footprint: I spend a lot of time on airplanes, especially in coach class in Europe because of the exorbitant costs of Business or First class.
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She is reassuring the business class with her promises of a business-friendly vice-presidential nominee while at the same time promising wealth redistribution to the poor.
Although the experiment did not test the idea (or, for that matter, the effects of an upgrade to the rodent equivalent of business class), the researchers speculate that it may be this lack of synchrony that caused the deaths of the older animals.
We've reeled off some of business class' features and other enhancements in the gallery above.
Another benefit of business class is the airport lounges, something I wrote about very recently in this column.
Mr Thong said the aircraft were needed to help boost the airline's growth, particularly in the development of business class services with Europe.
So Singapore reduced the number of seats in each aisle of business class and installed seats more than 30 inches wide, up from 27 inches.
When it resumed three weeks later, it had to rent a corporate jet at triple the cost of business class, says Mark Lortz, its CEO.
When it resumed three weeks later, it had to resort to renting a corporate jet at triple the cost of business class, says Chief Executive Mark Lortz .
His own beliefs, whether the monetarism that won him his Nobel in 1976 or the positions on taxes, regulation and social programs that won him wider attention and acclaim, made him more influential among the business class of the world than any other contemporary thinker.
At Wharton, women accounted for 40 percent of first-year enrollment, at Stanford University, women made up 39 percent of the entering business school class and at Harvard women accounted for 36 percent of first-year students.
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Meanwhile, an entirely new class of competitor has entered the business: online brokers who cater to the smallest investor.
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Sometimes, just two horses travel together, a sort of equine business class.
The restaurant is in a northern Beijing suburb popular with young executives, representative of China's surging wealth and the size of its business class.
El Al began a pilot program of business-class auctions in May 2012 and a few months later launched the program in full, Mr. Saadon said.
WSJ: El Al, Virgin Atlantic Are Airlines That Auction Upgrades to Business Class
She says that about a third of the newest class studied business in school, and the rest majored in subjects including math, nursing and economics.
That is the conclusion of Joseph Grundfest, a securities class-action expert, professor of law and business at Stanford Law School and former commissioner at the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Yes, Boehner has spent far too many years cozying up to Wall Street and protecting the interests of big business at the expense of the middle class.
Despite the desirability of lie-flat beds, entertainment and fancy-meal service in business class, there are lots of empty seats to auction off.
WSJ: El Al, Virgin Atlantic Are Airlines That Auction Upgrades to Business Class
Later, after graduating from Harvard Business School in the top 5% of his class in 1961, he went into the family business.
The entrepreneurial, highly profitable business of filing class actions has its own reasons to stay close to government regulators.
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Mr Romney was the archetype of this new breed: he graduated in the top 5% of his class at the Harvard Business School.
Being able to fly point-to-point for the cost of a business-class ticket holds enormous appeal--especially in regions such as the Southeast that are booming with population growth and new businesses.
Epilogue: Less than a year after he quit in a huff, Bob Jr. was the CEO of ExecuCopters, and pops was teaching a class on running family businesses at the Stern School of Business.
The acquisition of a marquee American brand by a group of Brazilian deal makers surprised some in the U.S. But back in Brazil, it helped fuel the ambitions of a Brazilian business class growing increasingly flush amid an economic boom.
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The Indian school of business in Hyderabad opened its doors in 2001 with a class of 128 students.
The report reveals that budget conscious Americans are purchasing first class and business class airline tickets, choosing to fly high in lieu of splurging on luxury lodging digs.
However what those in First and Business Class are still some of the best around.
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