The legacy of the Great Smog was the Clean Air Act of 1956 which introduced a number of measures to reduce air pollution.
So in the Clean Air Act of 1990, he proposed a plan that would cap sulfur-dioxide emissions but let the market decide how to allocate the permits.
Media-fueled alarm about acid rain provided a basis for legislation to create markets for buying and selling excess sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide emission credits, and Project 88 became the Clean Air Act of 1990.
The senator, of course, had a distinguished military record, served as secretary of the navy under Nixon and helped to draft some important pieces of legislation, including the Clean Air Act of 1990 (he was a strong environmentalist).
During the administration of Bush I, the EPA suppressed the findings of a decade-long, half-billion-dollar study of acid rain NAPAP, the main scientific conclusion of which was that acid rain was not the culprit in increasing the acidity of lakes until after Congress passed Clean Air Act of 1990.
FORBES: The EPA: The Worst of Many Rogue Federal Agencies, Part II
Simply put, the time is overdue to implement the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
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The cap-and-trade program for carbon dioxide is modeled, generally, after an existing one to cut sulfur dioxide one that was enacted in 1990 as part of the Clean Air Act with the approval of the elder President Bush.
Tonawanda Coke Corp. was found guilty Thursday in federal court of 11 counts of violating the Clean Air Act and three counts of violating the Resource Conservation and Recovery act.
"The text of the Clean Air Act makes plain that Congress intended it as a measure to 'clean' the air of pollutants, not to alter the overall composition of the Earth's atmosphere, " argues the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, an auto industry lobbying group, in a brief.
This was the most recent in a string of changes the Bush administration has made to the Clean Air Act rules at the request of industry.
Under the authority of amendments to the Clean Air Act, the EPA mandates the use of cellulosic biofuels and fines refiners for failing to use the mandated amount.
FORBES: The EPA: The Worst of Many Rogue Federal Agencies, Part II
Moreover, regulation of CO2 under the Clean Air Act would open a Pandora's box of enforcement questions, which would bring at least one certainty: lawsuits.
Shrouded under the ever- expanding blanket of the Clean Air Act, it is being applied to validate an unprecedented regulatory takeover of carbon-emitting energy and construction industry permitting.
It turns out that under an old provision of the Clean Air Act, power plants do have to tell the government about their releases of one greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
Operating through permitting authority asserted under auspices of its Clean Air Act, the agency will now have a major say in the design of every major project in which fossil fuel is combusted or CO2 emissions are released.
Cheap gas and environmental legislation under the Clean Air Act, aimed at emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxide and mercury (but not carbon dioxide) from dirty coal plants, accelerated a trend that is set to continue.
His Environmental Protection Agency is now instituting it via a broad reading of the Clean Air Act.
There was no promise of a Clean Air Act or tough new powers for China's environmental authorities, just the promise to do better.
For a decade now, the Environmental Protection Agency has been using a provision of the Clean Air Act to force dirty, older power plants to clean up.
The EPA is the lead agency for suspension and debarment matters regarding BP and has the authority to disbar individuals and companies under sections of the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
Once the Supreme Court gave the EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the aegis of the Clean Air Act, draconian rules to shut-down the coal sector could have been imposed unilaterally by the Obama administration.
FORBES: President Obama's Alleged "War On Coal" - Climate Change Edition
In 2002, the state assembly passed a law regulating emissions of CO2 from vehicles, based on a provision of the Clean Air Act that allows California to adopt stricter pollution standards than the federal government (other states can then choose to follow the Californian standards if they wish).
ECONOMIST: The Supreme Court breathes down the government's neck
The basic question before the court: What are the requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act?
Mr. Cruz should advocate forcing the EPA to operate within the original intent of the 1970 Clean Air Act, which never contemplated classifying CO2 as a pollutant.
FORBES: Critiquing Ted Cruz's Economic Plan, "The Next Great Conservative Hope"
It's time to replace those ideological Clean Air Act filters, get the EPA out of the climate regulation nonsense, and clear the atmosphere of corrupt Enron-legacy "green energy" and carbon-trading agendas once and for all.
The good news is that most metros and counties around the country have been improving their air quality, thanks in part to support from the EPA and the implementation, albeit slow, of the 1990 Clean Air Act.
The rule, which operates under the Clean Air Act, does not stipulate a lower level of carbon output.
The Clean Air Act gives affected sources three years from the issuance of the final rules to comply with the regulations.
WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House
The president can argue that he is endorsing policies that create jobs while also reducing the level of pollutants regulated under the Clean Air Act.
FORBES: Can New York and the Nation Frack Safely -- and Profitably?
And 20 years ago, the utility industry, warnings of huge losses from the Clean Air Act, won concessions greatly reducing their obligations to install scrubbers on coal-fired power plants.
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