In Moore, Oklahoma, residents and volunteers are deep into cleanup and not for the first time.
Crews were headed to the north-south highway to start the cleanup process, Hackett said.
The mayor estimated at least 180 days of "very intense cleanup" remained to be done.
Wells was the DH for Tuesday's home game against Seattle, Granderson the cleanup hitter.
"Maybe I should have tried making cleanup a game, " she said with a laugh.
We will pay an enormous price in cleanup costs, economic losses and environmental and social damage.
He will soon announce an end to the spill, and the beginning of the cleanup.
No, not Sandy storm cleanup, rather who is going to cleanup after the marathoners?
Berkeley Assemblywoman Loni Hancock is still upset that local officials had no access to cleanup resources.
Approximately 35, 600 personnel are currently responding to protect the shoreline and wildlife and cleanup vital coastlines.
But the cleanup bill provides an opportunity for lawmakers to submit more substantive changes.
Now, that cleanup job falls to Rolston, the younger brother of former NHL star Brian Rolston.
Many seemed grateful, given the grim spectacle before them and the magnitude of the cleanup task.
High winds hampered cleanup efforts across the region, particularly along the New England coast, forecasters predicted.
That is part of the cleanup and recovery efforts that BP would be liable for, yes.
Daschle's office was quarantined and will remain so for several days as the cleanup takes place.
Evacuated townspeople began returning home late Saturday to begin what promises to be a massive cleanup effort.
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The precedent: the Superfund Act, which forced companies to pay for toxic cleanup years after the fact.
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There is no question that the cleanup activity truly turned Pentagon resources out in a massive effort.
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But cleanup missions to pick up all the trash cast off by a launch are prohibitively expensive.
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As the cleanup continues, we will offer whatever additional resources and assistance our coastal states may need.
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Nichols said cleanup crews will do environmental sampling in every office before the building will be reoccupied.
She added that New Haven had asked the university to remain closed Tuesday, as cleanup efforts continue.
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Superfund legislation, which covers the cleanup of toxic waste, is also up for reauthorization, but is paralyzed.
One of the biggest cleanup jobs will be at one of Prague's newest venues -- Museum Kampa.
By the time Vasquez inspected the house, the grill had been removed from the porch, during cleanup.
The rubble is hosed down to control dust, and respirators are issued to everyone involved in the cleanup.
The prime minister faces not just the nuclear cleanup and disaster reconstruction, but an economy facing intense pressure.
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In fact, the eventual cost of this cleanup, and the financing decisions made could be a defining event.
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Later, as the cleanup crew dug through the rubble, they discovered this menorah, caked in dirt and mold.