NASDAQ's new market provides an electronic clearinghouse where they can find buyers, sellers and up-to-date prices.
But Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, another consumer privacy group, also questioned Privacy International's unclear methodology.
OCC, the world's largest derivatives clearinghouse by volume, works with both the SEC and the CFTC.
Representatives of several companies, including MCI WorldCom and RoadRunner, expressed interest in the clearinghouse.
Bruck has directed Washington and Lee's death penalty defense clinic, the Virginia Capital Case Clearinghouse, since 2004.
There is uncertainty about how common such infections are, since no clearinghouse compiles statistics on their incidence.
The car was not registered in the National Crime Information Center, an electronic clearinghouse of crime data.
Privacy advocates, including the Consumer Federation of California, Consumers Union and the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, hope she's right.
The establishment of an International Clearinghouse on MIL in cooperation with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.
But, no, this time we booked in advance via the online clearinghouse Hotwire.
And the site acts as a clearinghouse for information coming in from Myanmar.
LifeImage provides a clearinghouse connecting the Image Share patient accounts with radiology offices.
WSJ: Image Share Program Seeks to Cut Down on Repeat Medical Scans
There a clearinghouse network allows electronic settlement of all plastic-money transactions for any type of card or issuing bank.
In all of the chatter about solutions, both the Treasury and the Fed pushed for the creation of a clearinghouse for derivatives.
The Obama administration has proposed a central clearinghouse to make trading in credit default swaps, currently privately negotiated, more transparent.
To give ISPs tools beyond the RBL, MAPS also is pursuing the idea of creating a clearinghouse, according to Nicholas.
If there is a central clearinghouse, the marketplace would be aware every moment in time which player had a debit or credit balance.
This helped lead to the launch of, a one-stop clearinghouse that agencies can use to mount their own challenges.
WHITEHOUSE: Unleashing Innovation & Deepening Democracy Through Prizes | The White House
Hedge funds, banks or other institutions are open to become members of the clearinghouse as long as they meet these requirements.
The Abstinence Clearinghouse insists that it is a secular organisation, which is helpful if it wants the government to fund its cause.
The site will serve as an online ticket clearinghouse backed by the 5 major U.S. airlines and partnered with 40 international carriers.
The Clearinghouse is not monitoring my Twitter feed (that I know of).
FORBES: Traveling this summer? Don't forget to pack your privacy.
As a clearinghouse Nasdaq will sit between buyers and sellers, accounting for their trades and holding collateral to make sure those trades settle.
Beneficiaries could use their CARE accounts to purchase whatever health coverage products they want, through a health-insurance clearinghouse called Florida Health Choices.
FORBES: Florida's Innovative, Consumer-Driven Replacement for Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion
"Our hope is that we can be the central clearinghouse about campus sustainability, " says Laura Matson, who's managing the rating program at AASHE.
After Sept. 11, the government established the National Counterterrorism Center in Washington as a clearinghouse for information on potential terrorist activities and suspects.
Yet they are winning, says Kristi Hayes, a Washington-based spokeswoman for the Abstinence Clearinghouse, a group that advocates celibacy until marriage and fidelity thereafter.
According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, a clearinghouse on reproductive services, Alaska ranks No. 1 in providing contraceptive services to people who need them.
Rogers helped found Natural Gas Clearinghouse, now known as Dynegy, to strike contracts among suppliers, consumers and pipelines and get the gas flowing again.
At the Congressional Budget Office, Orszag hired specialists in health-care economics and turned the institution into a clearinghouse of information about rising health-care costs.