Consultants are selling services to money managers and hosting conferences where their manager clients can, for a hefty fee, meet their pension fund clients.
FORBES: A Proposal For Managing Pension Consultants (September 1, 2000)
"I don't like putting all my money with one guy, " says Altfest, who only recommends one hedge fund investment to clients--and that is a fund of funds (despite the higher fees).
Prime brokerages use its VAR model to set margin requirements for hedge fund clients.
Adding Lehman also allowed it to snag a trove of hedge fund clients in Asia.
The hedge fund clients, Samir Barai and Noah Freeman made trades off of that information and made millions.
FORBES: Former Marvell Analyst Gets Probation on Insider Scheme
There is a risk that, just when borrowers get into difficulty, hedge-fund clients may demand their money back.
People familiar with the matter cautioned that hedge-fund clients still can adjust redemption requests ahead of the Monday deadline.
What kind of information could the hedge fund clients expect to hear for such a tiny sum of money?
For example, pension consultants receive millions a year from hosting conferences where they sell access to their pension fund clients.
FORBES: The Duty To Investigate Pension Consultant Conflicts (September 1, 2001)
"Hedge fund clients have less to worry about when the prime brokerage is part of a larger investment bank, " he said.
Tell your fund clients they should be involved in a commission recapture program and then recommend they use your affiliated brokerage.
FORBES: The Duty To Investigate Pension Consultant Conflicts (September 1, 2001)
During a market disruption, when hedge fund clients are forced to sell positions, weaker credit standards could trip up some of the banks.
Merrill brought in an out-of-state hired gun, an attorney, to debate me in front of public fund clients of Merrill considering investigating abuses.
But Dodd and other critics wonder if banks have extracted enough collateral from their hedge fund clients to protect themselves in a wider crisis.
Fleishman continues to have witnesses testify against him who once provided inside information to hedge fund clients of Primary Global, just as Karunatilaka once had.
FORBES: Taiwan Semiconductor Manager Gets 18 Months In Prison For Passing Insider Info
Sharma is showing us what his hedge fund clients are doing and it is not beneficial for anyone below the wealthiest segment of the nation.
Rhino is accused of setting up the scheme with one of its hedge fund clients, Amro International, to profit from a 2001 private placement in Sedona.
"Our highest priority is to continue to earn your trust and confidence each and every day, " Bear Stearns wrote in a note to hedge fund clients.
Consultants can and do cut deals with hedge funds, private equity firms, funds of funds, real estate managers, custodians and anyone else they recommend to their fund clients.
FORBES: The Duty To Investigate Pension Consultant Conflicts (September 1, 2001)
The way Smith tells it, his decision to work on Wall Street was pure and good, driven by his desire to best help his huge hedge fund clients.
In the end, when Wall Street moguls tell their clients to buy or sell, the clients and hedge fund associates have enough market clout to move prices significantly.
Tom Marchant of U.K.-based adventure travel planning firm Black Tomato says hedge fund clients want unusual and off-the-beaten path destinations, challenges to take their minds off number crunching.
The SEC has also been probing whether employees at investment banks are tipping favored hedge fund clients with nonpublic details of upcoming transactions to keep or win more business.
In 2011, going nowhere was better than going to hell in a handbasket, which is where Goldman Sachs told its hedge fund clients the financial markets were going in 2011.
The firm did not respond to a request for the total it pays annually to the ICI, and said the figure--and investors' portion--is not disclosed to its mutual fund clients.
Democrats and a number of GOPers also want to sharply boost levies on equity funds--just when they're under pressure and many won't deliver gilded returns for their pension fund clients.
One final note: public funds are more likely to retain investment consultants than corporate pensions and consultants generally play a more influential role in connection with their unsophisticated public fund clients.
FORBES: Public Pension Shortfalls and Consultant Conflicts (September 1, 2002 )
Ironically, many of its hedge fund clients pulling money out of their accounts could have been short Bear Stearns' stock at the same time, though no one has confirmed a connection.
For Goldman Sachs, the world is going to hell in a hand basket, according to a report they wrote for hedge fund clients obtained by the Wall Street Journal last month.
Investment banks, eager for a piece of the pie, are lining up with financing packages, vying to advise on deals, building businesses to better accommodate fund clients or even investing in the ventures for themselves.