Jeweler Jacob Arabo became a rap icon for his garish made-to-order pieces for A-list clients like Jay-Z, Kanye West and 50 Cent.
It's not an easy task, especially if someone has an illustrious list of clients that he can use as references.
Her list of clients includes JPMorgan Chase, General Electric, Microsoft and Toyota.
Epworth, whose list of clients includes U2, Plan B, Cee-Lo, and Primal Scream, won the producer of the year award in 2010, after co-producing Florence and the Machine's debut album, Lungs.
"ULBI is a sleeper that has kind of snuck up on folks, but they have been doing some acquisitions and it looks like they definitely have an A-list of clients, " says Kennedy.
Horsfall is currently suing a list of old clients, from before his arrest and charge, for unpaid work.
They went down the list of Equinix clients, narrowed the field to three or four providers and selected one.
FORBES: New Equinix Marketplace Can Link Financial Firms and Digital News
At Trash-Couture, which boasts a massive list of celebrity clients like Penelope Cruz, Rachel Weisz, Kirsten Dunst, Celine Dion and many others -- ethical fashion and the way they reuse, redesign, respin, and recycle leftover fabric from their own collection and that of other design houses is part of the design.
CNN: Eco-fashionista campaigns for sexy, sustainable fashion
As an entrepreneur, it is definitely difficult to think about finding new clients, figuring out how to keep your current client list from dwindling, and being picky about which clients to work with.
If H-P is about pinching pennies, then Oracle is about orchestrating and sustaining the vast, and vastly expensive, marketing and sales efforts necessary to keep an A-list roster of corporate clients in line.
DKB, apart from the 600-strong corporate-finance group, which has built an enviable list of blue-chip clients.
Preferential treatment on stock, Americans learned, was routine as certain clients on Morgan's "preferred list" were given the best offers.
Take a look at your entire career and make a list of the benefits your clients, customers or employers have derived from your work.
Its list of well-heeled clients is made up of the upper echelons of health care: Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins, and almost the entire University of California system are among its 260 customers.
Since then, Christensen's client list has ballooned to include nontech clients like Merrill Lynchand Andersen Consulting.
German officials are working from a list of about 1, 400 clients of Lichtenstein financial institution LGT Group.
Last year French authorities said they had obtained a list of 3, 000 French clients with HSBC Private Bank, using sources that included the employee who is allegedly responsible for the 24, 000-account theft, Herve Falciani.
They might also explore other channels, such as studying the Forbes 400 list or sending direct-mailers to past clients.
But, if I gave you a list of other attributes of each of these clients, it would be clear to many of you which is most at peace.
In a list of 10 predictions for 2013 sent to clients today, PrivCo forecasts the failure of the location-based social city guide and its acquisition, at a fire-sale price, within the next 12 months.
FORBES: A Dire Prediction For Foursquare, With a Big Asterisk
Manhattan's U.S. attorney says Chilowitz, a former employee in Morgan Stanley's information technology department, stole a list of Morgan Stanley's hedge fund clients and the calculations of rates each paid for prime brokerage services, a booming business for investment banks that includes securities lending and financing.
Whenever I deliver a short list for a top job to one of my clients, I feel obligated to mention which potential candidates have accepted buyback offers in the past.
Last spring an announcement from the platform team at Twitter not-at-all-subtly suggested developers of third party clients should find something else to do, and today a list of changes to its API turns that whisper into a firm nudge.
ENGADGET: Twitter's API v1.1 rules put user caps on third party clients, exert more control overall
Several countries, including the U.S., are investigating the extent to which their citizens are dodging taxes through a Liechtenstein bank, after the German government obtained a list of 1, 400 of the bank's clients.
Finally, another one of my clients told me he had dropped a very promising candidate from his list of potential hires because she had taken out her PDA to check her email while he paid the bill.
They now have a mailing list of about 60, 000 people they cultivated themselves, including more than 200 former and current NBA clients.
FORBES: You Know What They Say About Big Feet? Oddball Brothers Have The Answer