• At the same time the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climatic Data Center has released a report noting that this spring in the United States has been the warmest since record-keeping began in 1895, a group of scientists has published a paper in the journal Nature warning that the planet is approaching a critical tipping point because of climate and other factors.


  • While the difficult economic climate at the time and other factors may have hastened the firm's failure, the risky business strategy and conduct by Corzine and his team helped fuel its demise, it says.

    WSJ: MF Global trustee criticizes Corzine, execs

  • "Other contributing factors include the volcanic ash cloud and current economic climate affecting both airline and traveller decisions, " he said.

    BBC: Cardiff Airport

  • These places are affected by other factors, such as changes in rainfall due to climate change, and certain compensating effects (basin infilling).

    UNESCO: Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses

  • "I am slightly sceptical of the furore surrounding (malaria and) climate change in the sense that we have to bear in mind there are other factors that are moving much faster than climate change, " he said.

    BBC: Climate change is 'distraction' on malaria spread

  • Other aspects of climate change and land subsidence significantly exacerbate this effect though the relative importance of these factors varies from location.


  • Climate change, loss of habitat and other stressors might therefore not only change sex ratios among various species, but these factors might also later subdue male sexual displays and affect female choosiness of mates.

    MSN: Boy or girl? Moms have biggest say - Technology & science - Science - DiscoveryNews.com | NBC News

  • Three factors influence whether a species can adapt to a new habitat - food supply, climate and competition with other species.

    BBC: Parakeet in a London garden

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