Interesting to note that the movie revises and pretty much demolishes the tiger-taming tips Martel came up with -- worth bearing in mind should you ever find yourself in close proximity to a man-eater for a prolonged period of time.
In May 2005, the body of a 44-year-old Florida man was found in Wyoming, close to a cabin, where his all-terrain vehicle had become mired.
The South African-born prop has been tantalisingly close to the action so far as Wales' 23rd man - going through match preparations in case of last-minute injuries.
The likelihood of Iron Man 3 coming close to matching the super team-up movie are low, since that would require the third Iron Man film making as much money domestically as Iron Man 2 took in worldwide.
Reid has been attempting for some time to find a partner for star man Kevin Phillips with player-coach Niall Quinn close to retirement.
Those who have been close to Mr Maduro describe him as a calm man and he also appears to have a spiritual side - he and his wife used to travel to India to hear the teachings of Indian guru Sathya Sai Babaa who died in 2011.
Coventry struggled to take advantage of their extra man before King scored from close-range with six minutes remaining.
The split and several recent deaths of people close to him sent Linklater, a 6-foot-3-inch slender man with nervous energy and a remarkably thick thatch of brown hair, into a dark period that fueled his first play.
But this time, Scott got the job done, and the Adelaide-born player was quick to praise the man who had come so close at Augusta in years gone by.
The story goes that a man, riding a horse-drawn cart, said he was close enough to see that the woman was wearing a light-coloured dress and a bonnet with a ribbon.
The 35-year-old remains a close friend of Latics chairman Dave Whelan, the man who convinced him to join the club in 1995.
Compared to them, Shipman seemed pathetic, a small, colourless man, with grey close-cropped hair and beard, and an unhealthy prison pallor.
Not that there's any argument about the choice of track to close the album - Cobain's goosebump-inducing rendition of David Bowie's The Man Who Sold The World.