Archipelago's chief executive, Jerry Putnam, would join the NYSE as one of three co-presidents.
Still he and his new co-presidents, Zoe Cruz and Stephen Crawford , said more departures are likely.
Wendy Wurtzburger and Wendy McDevitt, who served as co-presidents of Anthropologie, will move into new roles in the company.
Run by co-presidents Michael Dolan and Dan Dykens, Meet The Street matches corporate management teams with targeted investors online.
The salaries of other top employees, such as its two co-presidents, Robert Britz and Catherine Kinney, have yet to be revealed.
Earlier, Corbat sent a memo to employees introducing the members of his new management team, appointing Jamie Forese and Manuel Medina-Mora co-presidents.
FORBES: Big Monday: Citi Unveils Management Roster, Pays $305 Million For Mortgage Settlement
On Thursday both resigned their board seats, but they remain co-presidents.
It thus seems that neither of the two highly regarded co-presidents he appointed recently, Zoe Cruz and Stephen Crawford, is yet thought ready to lead the firm.
Purcell has been shoring up his base as well, in meetings with shareholders and employees, accompanied by his newly installed co-presidents, Zoe Cruz and Stephen Crawford .
Ahmass Fakahany and Gregory Fleming will remain as co-presidents and chief operating officers while the board, led by director Alberto Cribiore, considers candidates from inside and outside the company.
Late Monday, Purcell made co-presidents out of Zoe Cruz , head of fixed income, and Stephen Crawford , the chief administrative and risk officer, pushing aside current President Stephan Newhouse .
But the pressure mounted in late March, when he executed a surprise management shuffle that elevated Zoe Cruz and Stephen Crawford as co-presidents at the expense of then-president Stephan Newhouse.
At Nordstrom, where the family controls 24% of the stock, Chairman and Chief Executive John Whitacre, an outsider, will probably target the most promising successor from a cluster of relatives--five co-presidents, all family members.
Already, names are being tossed around, including inside ones: Robert Stephens, the Geek Squad founder who left the company last month after ten years, and Shari Ballard and Mike Vitelli, the two co-presidents of the firm.
Two of the rally's co-sponsors - the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and the UJA Federation of New York demanded that the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations disinvite Palin.