DrugAbuse Sciences also is working on a cocaine vaccine, licensed from the Scripps Research Institute.
She is also believed to have taken cocaine gum with a young Winston Churchill.
Stevens tested positive for cocaine following Bath's Heineken Cup game against Glasgow in December 2008.
DrugAbuse Sciences is also working on a cocaine vaccine, licensed from the Scripps Research Institute.
The men are wanted in connection with importing cocaine worth millions of pounds from Europe.
Many cocaine misusers are treated by a specialist physician or psychiatrist in drug rehabilitation centres.
The nicotine vaccine - TA-NIC - is said to be a year behind the cocaine treatment.
Cocaine is thought to be its biggest source of revenue, along with extortion and money laundering.
Additionally, the price of a pure gram of cocaine has skyrocketed while purity has dropped.
Each woman carried two kilos of cocaine underneath the clothes, according to a police statement.
CNN: Colombia arrests fake nuns with cocaine under their habits
Alexander Acosta originally charged the Bernals in March 2006 with money laundering and cocaine distribution.
Anti-Mafia prosecutor Pierluigi Vigna said that cocaine had surpassed heroin as drug of choice for smugglers.
In 2000, in Uruguay, Maradona suffered a severe heart attack due to a cocaine overdose.
There were persistent stories that he was involved in running cocaine from Bolivia to Europe.
Henry Joseph Mooney, 47, of Stockbridge Road, Padiham, Burnley, was cleared of conspiracy to import cocaine.
He started using cocaine and missing shows more frequently, 54 in 1979 alone, according to CMT.com.
They then found that increasing doses of cocaine had no effect on the flies.
But despite having the same Class A status, cocaine occupies a more paradoxical place.
High on cocaine, he used a key he had not returned to let himself in.
Some 20, 000 kilograms of cocaine were seized from these airplanes, says the U.S. government.
The price of cocaine rose by 44% over the same period, despite a decline in purity.
Police think these killings are linked to Detroit drug dealers who sell crack cocaine in Huntington.
But the street price of heroin and cocaine dropped sharply, indicating an increased supply.
As militia chiefs retreated, the residents of Cocaine City fled their mansions, residents said.
Gao residents said some of the Islamist militias were avid participants in the cocaine trade.
Newly successful businessmen began building homes in a neighborhood soon known as Cocaine City.
The flow of cocaine through West Africa to Europe peaked in 2007 at 47 tons.
Another risk is that a lot of drug dealers are cutting Ecstasy with heroin or cocaine.
Sly's love affair with cocaine and his growing disenchantment with performing had taken their toll.
Colombia is world's top producer of cocaine, while Mexico is a major transit point.