• You can only imagine Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin's reaction when he discovered there had been a catastrophic cock-up over the West Coast franchise.

    BBC: West Coast fiasco adds to coalition woes

  • His face is wrapped with bandages, obscuring his eyes, yet the cock of his head and the turn of his mouth evoke burgeoning cynicism.

    FORBES: The True Impact of Violence On Childhood? Why Every American Ought To See The Paintings Of Gottfried Helnwein.

  • There is a chance, of course, that Amazon cock this up so spectacularly that self-publishers and publisher leave in droves and the whole enterprise collapses.

    FORBES: Amazon Eyes Secondhand Ebook Market

  • The car was stopped on the A617 close to the junction of Calow Lane, Cock Alley and Hallflash Lane "as part of a pre-planned operation", an IPCC spokesman said.

    BBC: IPCC to probe David Stokes arrest death in Derbyshire

  • Mr. Ungar meanwhile, clings bitterly to the belief that Senator Sessions handed GAO a set of completely cock-eyed assumptions and that GAO dutifully set about cranking out completely meaningless calculations.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Mr Davis told the court he heard a gun cock and turned around to find himself face-to-face with a handgun, but pushed it aside and was shot in the arm.

    BBC: Craigslist killer accomplice Brogan Rafferty convicted

  • While "Cock" was about power plays within a sexual triangle, "Bull" presents bizarre power plays and one-upmanship within a tense office situation wherein one of three employees is allegedly going to be fired.

    WSJ: Review: Mike Bartlett waves red flag with 'Bull'

  • Wayne David, Labour MP for Caerphilly, told BBC Radio Wales the non-declaration of donations was a "huge cock up" but there was "no question at all about Peter Hain being a man of integrity and transparent honesty".

    BBC: Hain to list all campaign donors

  • The work became so absorbing, so meditative, that he would try to paint at the deepest hours of night, when only the bark of a dog or distant cock-crow would disturb the southern French hillside where he lived.

    ECONOMIST: Roman Opalka

  • "Having visited Margate over the past few months and seen the grassroots creative revolution that is taking place, we are thrilled, nay cock a hoop, at the potential of the place and can't wait to get stuck in, " he said.

    BBC: Scenic Railway

  • The American premiere of "Bull: The Bullfight Play, " written by Bartlett as a companion piece to last season's off-Broadway hit "Cock", opened Thursday night in a gripping, brutal presentation by Sheffield Theatres, as part of 2013 Brits Off Broadway at 59E59 Theaters.

    WSJ: Review: Mike Bartlett waves red flag with 'Bull'

  • Ultimate Holding Company's piece has been described as "exploring the literary legacy of this international author, her fascination with flight and early gliding and the story of the Colditz Cock, an escape glider built by British prisoners of war, " by the spokesman.

    BBC: Barbara Cartland and Colditz Cock spark Tatton Park art

  • "Most authorities would still recommend use of other preventive methods such as condoms, " even if the HIV-positive sexual partner is on antiretroviral treatment, Kevin De Cock, director of the Center for Global Health at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, wrote in an email.

    WSJ: AIDS Study Marks Prevention Breakthrough With Antiretroviral Drugs

  • She was from Shoreditch, sir, which is about as Cock-er-ney as it is possible to be (or was back in the 50s - now it's full of ruddy eejits in very thin jeans ashamed of their parents' wealth and exhibiting a complete failure to understand that they are the laughing stock of the rest of the London populace).

    BBC: WI v England: Third Test day three as it happened

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