In 2009, a new species of cockroach turned up in a West Side supermarket.
Highly magnified footage of these experiments clearly shows a glucose-averse cockroach reacting to a dose of the sugar.
The jar, a different one this time, contained no cockroach, and the hat held by Wardlaw was different as well.
In the weird science department, scientists at UC Berkeley developed a small, fast robotic cockroach that's made from cardboard.
ENGADGET: Inhabitat's Week in Green: cardboard cockroach, a milk carton pavilion and the iPotty
We may well be cockroach-ish, but we shouldn't take that for granted.
The cockroach part was doable, but keeping cells alive outside of a host was something no one had succeeded at for too long.
Molony, known in the group as Belves, is pictured holding a Folgers Instant Coffee jar, which contained a cockroach the guys had decided to keep as a pet.
The cockroach exerts a morbidly fascinating hold on the imagination.
Richard Schweid, an American journalist living in Barcelona, expounds on this tough, repulsive creature in a delightfully literate little volume, The Cockroach Papers: A Compendium of History and Lore.
The break-up text is only this much more noble than ghosting on someone you're dating, letting the silences grow longer and longer until you can tell yourself it was a mutual separation and then scuttle into the night like a cowardly cockroach.
Instead of trying to grapple with every single one of the risks around them, investors should emulate the lowly cockroach, which has survived for millions of years thanks to a defence mechanism that is rudimentary but good at dealing with unanticipated threats.
ECONOMIST: Financial markets: Copy the lowly cockroach | The
Fans of the emotional Sonny from I-Robot, or the depressed and bored Marvin from The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, may be disappointed to hear that they are more likely to find a cockroach composing a symphony or writing a poem than a robot.
It's been a while since Nathan Lane got this much screen time to camp it up, as the Queen's butler, Brighton (even if he does spend some of it in the form of cockroach), and Hammer's a hoot as the arrogant -- but oh-so-eligible -- prince.
Indeed, how else to explain why Honda has studied the maddeningly evasive cockroach (for anticollision technology), decoded the rice genome (to increase crop yields and create more-productive crops for biofuels) and developed a robot that can get instructions by reading human brain waves (to learn how machines and humans can better coexist).