In 1949, in the aftermath of two devastating global wars, new Geneva Conventions were developed to codifythelaws of armed conflict and to limit the activities of combatants with respect both to other combatants and to non-combatants.
His impressive career scholarships to Radley and Brasenose College, Oxford, the Bar in 1936, silk (Queen's Counsel) in 1957, High Court judge in 1961 had led him by 1965 to become the first chairman of the Law Commission, which was set up by the Labour government to rationalise and codifythe statutory laws of England.
When does the Administration expect the Soviet Union to codify its emigration laws and what does the President consider to be an appropriate watch period?
The package of bills will be one of the governor's key agenda items during the remainder of the legislative session, along with an overhaul of campaign-finance laws and an effort to codify state abortion laws to match federal standards.