Lawyers working on behalf of the Kupahurasa family said the six-year-old boy, from Rossington, Doncaster, would never be able to walk or talk and suffers from "ongoing severe cognitive and learning difficulties".
Mobile Accessibility has been specifically designed by Code Factory for people who are blind or visually impaired and for elderly individuals or those who cannot read print on smartphones because of physical, perceptual, developmental, cognitive or learning disabilities.
ENGADGET: Sprint and Code Factory team up to deliver free Android accessibility app
Like MyCyberTwin, Siri, originally a spin-off from Stanford University, is a mix of cognitive, self-learning software and advanced voice-recognition.
Other projects have explored how HRI can be applied to enhance human behavior as applied to motor learning and cognitive performance.
And then cognitive computers capable of learning and sorting information will make sense of the waves of data and give us knowledge and capabilities we never thought possible.
This benefit will look at cognitive, sensory, learning, fluctuating conditions.
BBC: Minister responds to disability benefit reform concerns
Unlike traditional automation, self-learning autonomic tools are able to understand and replicate complex decision making processes and behave in a similar way to the human cognitive process by constantly learning new ways of handling IT problems.
FORBES: Outage Prevention: Taking Humans Out Of The IT Equation
Cognitive dissonance is fundamental to learning, and, in every course, students should bump into something unexpected or unsettling.
FORBES: How Does Cognitive Dissonance Turn Students Into Leaders?
An individual's learning style is usually determined by a pencil-and-paper test--of which there are now more than 50 available, with titles like the Cognitive Style Index and the Learning Style Questionnaire.
As his files documented, as a child he suffered from poor nutrition, severe parental neglect, sustained physical and sexual abuse, early head injuries, learning disabilities, poor cognitive functioning and lead exposure.
So even though companies like IBM are working on so-called cognitive computers that would mimic human learning and reasoning, there is no chance we will see autonomous drones that can survive the rigors of aerial combat anytime soon.
The patients who did benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy spent one hour a week with a clinical psychologist learning skills to help change the way they think.
Synapses once relied on for learning and memory produce less of the chemical neuromodulators used to ferry cognitive messages.
She credits CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy, with helping her understand the reasons for her overeating and learning how to control it.
The teens are participating in the Adolescent Behavioral Learning Experience (ABLE) programme, which helps them focus on personal responsibility through cognitive behaviour therapy.
He places huge value on "brain-centered learning" and devised a specific program designed to foster improvement in a young player's cognitive skills.