Furthermore, researchers have repeatedly concluded that gender differences in social-emotional and cognitive skills have been greatly exaggerated.
To see how their cognitive skills compare, scientists present both species with identical problems, treating them exactly the same.
He places huge value on "brain-centered learning" and devised a specific program designed to foster improvement in a young player's cognitive skills.
Having the back and forth interaction between a parent and a child from birth builds communication and cognitive skills from the beginning.
As the authors of the study point out, this is consistent with the growing literature from Heckman and others showing that non-cognitive skills affect outcomes.
In the book, Tough examines the skills and traits that lead to success and ultimately advances the hypothesis that character attributes may be more crucial than cognitive skills like IQ and intelligence.
Assuming the relation between test scores and future growth is indeed causal, the OECD study also works out the economic benefits of improving cognitive skills by the equivalent of nine months' worth of schooling.
The two biggest challenges, according to Mr Chabris, are ensuring the games are fun to play and convincing recruiters, who typically make no attempt to measure cognitive skills, to pay attention to these new data.
"The reason why toddlers have tantrums is they don't have verbal or cognitive skills yet, " said Dr. Lisa Shulman, an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, New York.
" Hanushek and Woessmann conclude that "In many developing countries, the share of any cohort that completes lower secondary education and passes at least a low benchmark of basic literacy in cognitive skills is below one person in ten.
Media and information literacy, through which individuals acquire a combination of technical and cognitive skills to seek, evaluate and use information effectively, develop critical thinking and acquire the behaviours for life-long learning, is becoming the engine of education in the 21st century.
For example, each finger swipe is reinforcing the particular cognitive motor skills necessary for interacting with touchscreen interfaces.
Dr. CORDER: Autism is a diagnosis that is a delay, a significant and progressive delay in neurological functioning, cognitive functioning and social skills.
And, managers need to look for the skills that really matter today in high potential young talent, attributes like cognitive load capacity, adaptability and social media skills.
Cognitive behavioral therapy that focuses on teaching practical skills that help people get through crisis moments was shown to reduce suicide attempts by half in big 2005 trial on civilians.
One group, with 19 children, received standard treatments for anger including cognitive-behavioral therapy, presentation of relaxation techniques and social skills training for five consecutive business days.
ENGADGET: Researchers create video game that monitors heart rate to keep children's anger in check
Recent research suggests that if left untreated, hearing loss might contribute to an acceleration in cognitive decline - relating to our understanding, reasoning and perception skills - as we age.
The patients who did benefit from cognitive behavioural therapy spent one hour a week with a clinical psychologist learning skills to help change the way they think.