The deal also includes some additional stimulus tax benefits, like a two-year expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit, the additional child tax credit and a credit to help college students offset tuition costs.
And he wants to make permanent a tax credit to help college students pay for tuition over four years.
Conceptually, it is no different than the federal government's Pell Grants that provide money to college-bound students for tuition or the GI Bill of Rights that did the same thing for millions of veterans.
If you claim not to be a California resident, make sure you are paying non-resident tuition for college students.
Forbes recently analyzed the financial health of more than 150 public institutions to help parents and prospective students determine whether a college might face tuition hikes or service cutbacks during the next four years.
FORBES: Why College Students in North Dakota and Texas Should Be Happy
Suddenly, mamas were ditching their Latina sitters left and right in exchange for grimy after-school programs and college students trying to make an extra buck toward tuition.
As we, at last, come to the end of the 35 college football bowl games, I would note that part of the expense of producing these ball throwing contests was incurred by the students and their parents currently attending college through tuition or activity fees.
FORBES: The College Athletic Cost Explosion Spreads to Divisions II & III
Cooper Union's tuition debate has also affected alumni at Berea College in Kentucky, which admits only low-income students and offers them all a tuition-free education.
Bard College offers a program that allows eligible students to pay tuition at a rate comparable to a public university in their home states.
But if we were to invest that money in education, it would be enough to cover the cost of annual college tuition for more than half a million students.
We can gut education to pay for tax breaks that we don't need, or we can recruit 100, 000 new math and science teachers -- (applause) -- focus on early childhood education, provide job training for 2 million more workers in our community colleges, help to lower tuition costs for our students going to college.
Each year, the federal government spends billions of dollars on tuition tax credits to encourage more students to attend college.
FORBES: It's Well Past Time To Slash Higher Education Subsidies
His education agenda includes a plan to make college affordable for more Americans by paying first-year tuition for students who work part time.
Hudson Valley Community College created a program so students could earn a paycheck and have their tuition covered while training for jobs at this plant.
The frenzy comes amid increasing debate about the skyrocketing cost of college tuition and the ease of borrowing that is leading many students to graduate with heavy debt loads.
More than 50, 000 college students from Nevada are relying on Pell Grants to help them pay their tuition.
WHITEHOUSE: Shared Responsibility and Shared Prosperity Town Hall, for example, offers assistance to college students navigate the exciting world of education loans, giving advice on such matters as whether one should consolidate loans or not.
They offer an affordable option for middle-class high-school students who want to attend a four-year college but cannot afford the tuition.
With scholarships and financial aid, 40% of Strive students attend four-year colleges without having to come out of pocket for their tuition -- compared with 32% of low-income college students nationwide.
The problem sometimes is that students entering college take on huge amounts of debt to fund increasingly expensive college tuition costs with the expectation that their salaries after graduation will be able to cover the loan payments.
FORBES: More Evidence On The Student Debt Crisis: Average Grad's Loan Jumps To $27,000
Getting into college is very competitive, tuition is very expensive, and, with economic uncertainty, students become preoccupied with majoring in subjects that may lead to jobs.
Students head back to campus this fall facing greater challenges to pay for college expenses due to tuition hikes as well as scarcer financial resources.
Too many college students here at the University of Pittsburgh and elsewhere are worrying about the rising cost of their tuition, and the increasing accumulation of debt.
In some cases, state tuition has risen so much that costs approach what students might pay at a private college.
More than 10, 000 students at this college, at this college alone, are relying on Pell Grants to help pay their tuition.
Those are supposed to make college more affordable, but since schools have consistently responded by raising tuition prices and capturing those subsidies, students end up deeper in debt, rather than better off.
FORBES: Is A "War On Women" The Best That President Obama Can Do?