This summer they will bring out Knight and Day, the action comedy starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz.
Part of the reason is that those movies have become fewer and farther between, as studios focus on action and comedy films that feature lesser-known (and cheaper) actors.
It is a hugely enjoyable comedy with action, suspense and a love story thrown in - even if a horribly Hollywood ending may leave a sour taste.
On Saturday, premieres in Pittsburgh and Los Angeles for Tom Cruise's new action film Reacher and Billy Crystal comedy Parental Guidance were postponed in light of the shootings.
That means moviegoers can expect to see films with broad international appeal (more action and visual comedy, fewer movies about baseball and football), franchises like Twilight, and more 3-D movies, which command a higher ticket price.
The fact that the film, starring Mark Wahlberg and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, is an action-comedy has angered survivors of the Sun Gym gang's crimes and those who investigated them nearly two decades ago.
"Before Midnight" is perhaps the most highly anticipated movie sequel this summer that is neither a comedy nor an action-adventure movie, and its predecessors rank high on many lists of best romantic movies.
WSJ: 'Before,' and After | Julie Delpy | Cultural Conversation by Martin Johnson
As a light-hearted comedy, it contrasts with the historical epics and action flicks that make up most of China's domestic film releases, says Liv Yi, an analyst at Beijing-based entertainment industry consultancy Entgroup.
This not an action picture, not a comedy, and that he's great in it.
What we're watching: Sports fans have college football, NHL, and NBA action to choose from tonight, Roseanne Barr is on HBO in her first comedy special in 10 years and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is on Cinemax...but we won't be watching any of it.
Crackle is one of the fastest growing entertainment destinations on the Internet today, offering audiences quality programming in a variety of genres, including comedy, action, sci-fi, horror, music and reality.
Even within the context of 'Battlestar, ' there was such a wild panoply of styles and emotions -- action, tragedy, melodrama, comedy, philosophy, even music -- all of which I watched him nail.
We see action, romance, comedy, revenge, damnable villains, and a heroic (though complicated) central character.
FORBES: Jewish Action Heroes: A Review of Neal Pollack's 'Jewball'
The comedy has previously been adapted for Broadway and the West End, but that production transported the action from Sheffield to Buffalo, New York.
Rush Hour, Chan's new action-comedy-thriller, set box office records in the U.S. and is about to do the same across Asia.
Whether you make an action blockbuster, or a comedy, or a drama, you've got the right camera and all the right technology to do it.