Tsunami drama The Impossible, raunchy comedy Movie 43, the 3D re-release of Monsters, Inc. and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey complete a Top 10 rounded off by The Last Stand in 10th place.
In the first scene of this combined romantic comedy and caper movie, Claire Stenwick (Julia Roberts), a C.
"The Hangover, " a comedy about misadventures in Las Vegas, won the Golden Globe for best comedy or musical movie.
"Before Midnight" is perhaps the most highly anticipated movie sequel this summer that is neither a comedy nor an action-adventure movie, and its predecessors rank high on many lists of best romantic movies.
WSJ: 'Before,' and After | Julie Delpy | Cultural Conversation by Martin Johnson
Joining a hive could be as simple as laughing or gasping along with an audience at a comedy or thriller (movie attendance is up 17.5 percent this year).
The plot will be familiar to anybody versed in Ealing comedy (the original movie, directed by Alexander Mackendrick, and graced with the same title, came out in 1955), but the existence of this new version is harder to explain.
Her early scenes are the weakest in the movie, the comedy of the semi-fantastic sitting uneasily amid the gathering gloom.
As such there are marked contrasts, most notably the movie is a comedy-drama while the novel has little light relief.
Goldberg and Rogen co-produced the movie, with the comedy whiz Ben Karlin, and helped Reiser shape the script.
This is especially helpful when you know you are in the mood for a movie -- perhaps a comedy -- and want to start from there.
There was a time that was a difference between the musical and a conventional movie, be it a comedy or a drama, whatever, is that those movies didn't have that many songs in them.
For the most part, the movie is really a black comedy about Los Angeles-style self-obsession spiced with sudden drug interludes that jar you for a minute, then fade from memory as we head on to the next (occasionally facile) showbiz send-up.
CNN: Review: Too much junkie business in 'Permanent Midnight'
Written and directed by James L. Brooks, this movie started life as a musical comedy and wound up as an extreme oddity.
The first movie is a well put together romantic comedy that effectively takes on its material with class and style.
FORBES: The Amazing Little Movie that Oscar Shamefully Forgot
The hotel offers its own casino, comedy club, cabaret lounge, Irish pub, movie theater, bowling alley, and playgrounds and arcades for the kiddies.
The Razzies committee also put forward "any two cast members" from MTV reality show Jersey Shore for worst screen couple in the Three Stooges movie - based on the cult US comedy act.
Viacom ( VIA - news - people ) in December 2005, when Chief Sumner Redstone (still its controlling shareholder) yanked the broadcast division from its cable siblings MTV, Nickelodeon and Comedy Central, among others, as well as movie studio Paramount Pictures.
The Daily Show host Jon Stewart has announced that he will take a break from the Comedy Central mock-news show to direct his first movie.
FORBES: Is It A Good Idea For Stewart To Vacate His 'Daily Show' Seat While He Makes A Movie?
The movie is based on the actual experience of the comedy writer Will Reiser.
The movie often plays like a series of TV-comedy skits, some of them funny and incisive, some larkish and insubstantial.
You could say he struck gold, as the movie turned out to be the highest-grossing comedy of the silent film era.
This movie about catastrophic illness has its basis in TV comedy.
Charting a spectacularly erratic 24-hour course, the movie juggles self-consciously hokey small-town comedy with slick (or at least semi-slick) high-tech chase scenes as the road-racing desperado leads Forest Whitaker and the feds on a merry chase through the Southwest in his prototype Corvette 01.
At movie box offices over this last weekend, the new comedy "Monster-in-Law, " starring Jane Fonda and Jennifer Lopez, brought in the most money.
Ernest Tsosie of the Navajo comedy duo, James and Ernie, is looking forward to seeing the movie.
Few directors risk upstaging their movies with credit sequences as effervescent as the one with which Sacha Guitry (who also wrote the script and stars) opens this 1936 comedy: in a miniature satire on life behind the scenes on a movie set, he introduces the cast and crew, tipping his hand regarding the tricks of the trade.
The movie No Strings Attached is shaping up to be the first romantic comedy hit in a long time.
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The movie begins as a Hollywood-style caper and becomes a romantic comedy, but the two stars are oddly paired.
He says its most popular movie is currently "BlackBerry Babes, " a four-part comedy series about three materialistic women obsessed with their BlackBerry phones.
It's almost like a romantic comedy, but it's like a buddy comedy as well because he and I really share the screen for most of the movie.