Abdo represented himself after telling a judge he was not communicating well with his lawyer.
He said a lot of effort had gone into communicating the changes to people.
The researchers then gave the rats a drug that kept those brain areas from communicating.
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The agency was criticized by officials after Sandy for not communicating well with residents.
One disadvantage to instant communication is that the ease of communicating can sometimes result in mis-communicating.
With strategy they advance beyond merely saying what they did to communicating how they did it.
Offering video calls also fits into the new imperative to make communicating simple, convenient and multi-format.
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Today, those we elected to represent us are communicating division, contrary to what they have pledged.
Not all women tip-toe around others, lack assertiveness or undermine themselves when communicating with others.
Many assistants never meet their clients, communicating instead by email, instant message, phone or videoconference.
Vocabulary should be a tool for communicating expertise, and not masking a lack thereof.
What actually takes place from birth to becoming a toddler, communicating with other toddlers and adults?
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But this sentiment is arguably most important when it comes to communicating in person.
It explores customers thinking, and how they are communicating across their networks and the marketplace.
For nearly three days Oberoi stayed put there, communicating by cell phone, watching helplessly from afar.
Keep them focused on your definition of winning by constantly communicating why you will win.
These devices have become expressions of our digital selves, capturing and communicating our trips and travails.
Sir, the record is clear today in that we know that we are communicating.
"It is fundamentally, as Jake said, about human beings communicating with other human beings, " she said.
Is everybody using social media already for communicating with customers and generating sales leads?
Now, I feel like we aren't communicating these things to our young people as much.
Like a healthy marriage, it once again comes down to communicating expectations and expressing appreciation.
The site requires teachers to be proactive about listing their projects and communicating with donors.
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In some cases, communicating more often can even push long-distance couples apart, Guldner says.
We are communicating a common understanding of the problem and a common view of the future.
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Be sure that you are clearly communicating by being conscience of your body language.
Until that moment, the cardinals are barred from communicating with the outside world in any way.
In setting strategy, communicating vision, and reaching decisions, common purpose comes first, personal self-interest last.
People today are connected to and communicating with others in the same state of mind.
Is the U.S. communicating with the Turks and urging any kind of restraint in their response?