Every job seeker is looking for an edge in a highly competitive job market that will remain challenging for quite some time.
Millennials came of age during a volatile time of market booms and busts, skyrocketing tuition costs and an increasingly competitive job market.
The picture is not much rosier for college graduates, as more than five million of them enter the increasingly competitive job market every year.
In a competitive job market, getting hired is a challenge, especially when a candidate's prior experience may not be directly relevant to the job they're seeking.
Overwhelmed with debt, confused by changing economic situations at home and at school and facing an increasingly competitive job market, many college students and graduates feel lost.
There are still some fields though that pay a good wage, engineers, scientists for examples, but generally with a broader competitive job market you are going to see wages drop.
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This is a particularly tough concept for young people to grasp, as they cannot conceive of entering a highly competitive job market where the boss has as much access to Facebook and cached images as anyone else.
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The impression you make during the interview, regardless of how competitive the job market happens to be, will most always be the determining factor in landing your next job.
We need to make sure that we've got shared responsibility for giving every American the chance to earn the skills and education that they need for a really competitive, global job market.
Many of the unemployed over the last few years have returned to school to study a trade and bring a competitive edge to the job market or to explore new career opportunities.
The abuses of companies such as Home Depot obscure how most high pay has been caused not by powerful bosses fixing their own wages, but by the changing job of the chief executive, the growth of large companies and the competitive market for talent.
ECONOMIST: Globalisation and the rise of inequality: Rich man, poor man | The
Garry Felgate, chief executive of the Energy Retail Association (ERA), which represents the suppliers, said that companies understood that the regulator was doing its job by raising the issue, but that companies were operating in the most competitive energy market in the world.
The company has also emphasized the economic impact of listing phthalates as a Chemical of Concern, claiming that such a listing would result in higher costs, job losses, the closure of businesses and would make U.S. companies less competitive in the global market.