The method of disclosure in numerous separate files makes it a rather time-consuming and tedious business to compile a comprehensive overview across government over a long period, but the material is there.
BBC: Is a wedding a meeting? What about a slumber party?
In order to celebrate these devices, and so we might reflect upon the ways that we are the tools we use, Forbes.com decided to compile a list of the 20 most important tools of all time.
FORBES: The 20 Most Important Tools Ever
These findings have now been complemented by Dr Knight's project, which made use of climateprediction.net, a network of personal computers on which processing time is volunteered by members of the public, to compile 57, 000 different runs of a global-climate model developed at the Hadley Centre.
ECONOMIST: Climatology: Grey-sky thinking | The
Forecasts of over 4 percent growth and declining inflation over the next two years have helped Turkey focused funds compile a seven week inflow streak while Russia equity funds posted inflows for only the second time in the past 15 weeks as oil prices climbed.
FORBES: Where The Money's Flowing