Should we make it a national effort to add a computer programming language requirement?
Girls are said to think that software and video games and computer programming are for guys.
But how can an entrepreneur, without a background in computer programming or engineering develop an application?
Technical skills such as graphic design, website development, and computer programming will also pay off.
Brockman, 18, Pinpoint's chief technological officer, has done computer programming since he was 10.
Tara, for example, spent a month this summer studying physics, math, and computer programming at Phillips Exeter Academy.
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While at school, he developed an interest in computers and software, and learned computer programming as a pastime.
And yet knowledge of computer programming is becoming more critical in the workplace.
Mr Swartz began computer programming as a child, and at 14 co-authored an early version of the RSS specification.
Potential candidates for a full scholarship to the program include troops that have previous engineering, mathematics or computer programming experience.
Sun Microsystems invented the Java language and started a mass exodus of computer programming talent away from Microsoft toward Sun.
When not helping seniors to rest easy or designing Lego robots, Summer and Catherine both enjoy computer programming and rock climbing.
In the early 1990s, my work focused on combining the rigid vocabulary of computer programming with the playful possibilities of art and design.
They all use game play as a way to make the logic of computer programming accessible and relevant to kids in their formative years.
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It's less than 10 years since it was created in Edinburgh by three young men with computer programming skills and a lot of ambition.
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer showered praise on her new employee, saying Karp possesses a rare combination of computer programming prowess and a sense of aesthetics.
In addition to formal education, I read dozens of books, attended multiple industry conferences, and learned computer programming so I could improve my investment analysis.
But when her family's brewery, established in 1873, lacked a male heir, this graduate student in computer programming decided to pick up the family business.
Whelton, 20, had run a computer club at his own school, and saw a huge demand for more resources to teach computer programming skills to young people.
Released in late February, the Raspberry Pi has been developed to be a cheap computer that will help children and other beginners get to grips with computer programming.
Their options range from using online app-building tools, to taking crash courses in computer programming and coding languages, hiring a costly professional on contract, or recruiting a full-time developer.
If the computer programming is supple enough and the on-board processing is fast enough, engineers can now virtually nullify effects caused by vehicle height, weight, roll centers and center of mass.
Even with skills that are primarily mental, such as computer programming or speaking a foreign language, it remains the case that we learn best through practice and repetition the natural learning process.
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Someone could tell me what it takes to be a great computer programmer and I could mouth talking points about how important computer programming is but I will never be a computer programmer.
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So the movement of work abroad in search of lower labour costs is no longer confined to manufacturing but now also includes white-collar jobs, from computer programming to copywriting and back-office legal tasks.
Not only is Brittany a role model to other girls considering jobs in computer programming and biomedical research, but she also has produced a lifesaving technology that could help women across the globe.
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Experts say if hospitals don't act now to correct computer programming, an alarming number of pieces of medical equipment may malfunction -- all because computer makers failed to plan for the next century.
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Through ventures like Coursera, top universities like Stanford University, the University of Washington and the University of Maryland are hosting courses in finance, business, computer programming, data analysis and math free of charge.
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But this approach is such a radical change from the operation of the old console that games developers will be forced to start from scratch, using a new style of computer programming to produce games for the PlayStation 3.
He says the most time-consuming part of their effort won't be computer programming in the classic sense as much as figuring out what statements about the real world users should be presented with, and how those contradict or confirm each other.