The agency said the policy aligns the U.S. with international standards and allows the TSA to concentrate on more serious safety threats.
Gingrich then won in South Carolina and Romney won in Florida and Nevada, states that Santorum largely ignored to concentrate on more conservative voters down the road.
While Fry briefly dropped his jovial persona to concentrate on more serious matters, it was left to Tarantino and Hathaway to contemplate the trivial (or not so trivial, depending on your point of view).
Mobile phone makers worldwide have had trouble with a market that is moving from fresh users to upgrades of existing subscribers' phones, and have also suffered as operators concentrate more on sweating more money out of existing customers than on signing up new ones.
They push the educational system to concentrate on schooling more people with strong STEM skills.
FORBES: Leading the Nation Back to Work: 5 Ways to Break the Logjam
Hence the move among American carmakers to concentrate instead on more familiar stop-gap technologies.
Arriva now plans to offload the division as part of a restructuring programme designed to concentrate on its more profitable bus and motor business.
Even a house like Mouton Rothschild has little influence with giants who concentrate on the more profitable spirits business and prefer to carry fewer labels and sizes.
Instead, they want the voters to concentrate on his more recent past - brokering the IRA ceasefire, negotiating the Good Friday Agreement, chuckling with Ian Paisley, hob-nobbing with Barack Obama.
BBC: Selective memories of Martin McGuinness and Gusty Spence
In this article, I will concentrate on the more pronounced retracements, but one should note that after the initial upside spurt in HES, it dropped back to the minor 61.8% support.
The regulators' intention had been that the law would force the two banks to move away from volatile capital-markets activity to concentrate on the more stable wealth-management services that Swiss banks are famous for.
ECONOMIST: Banks in Switzerland are slimming down, but slowly
The OU will concentrate on creating more "mainstream" science and arts programmes for BBC One and BBC Two - rather than the specialist late-night programmes of old - to encourage a wider audience into higher education.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Open University in image makeover
This is not entirely bad news as it is likely to improve margins in the long terms and make its business less sensitive to the slowing PC market and allow it to concentrate on the more lucrative services business.
FORBES: Dell Revised To $12: Undervalued But Takes Weak PC Market On The Chin
"If he can practice less and concentrate more on competing, he'll have more longevity, " Courier said.
One result, for example, will be that lenders demand more data on customers, leading borrowers to concentrate more of their business on particular institutions.
The more you concentrate on building your brand, the more press opportunities will naturally come to you.
Mr. Pope restructured Smithfield to concentrate more on packaged-meats products that carry higher profit margins.
With Twitter, they can concentrate more on the value of the content they produce.
FORBES: Finance Firms are Going to Twitter and Social Media With Mixed Results
Abstract : The author of the book "Cancer Wars" says the government should concentrate more on prevention.
The company is making efforts to diversify its business and concentrate more on consumer and commercial banking.
Mr Clinton apparently told Mr Kerry to concentrate more on the economy and to step up his attacks on Mr Bush.
The Canadian Space Agency lent Finarelli a desk in its Washington office, where she will concentrate on drumming up more funds from government sources, corporations and graduates.
While these companies have been investing heavily since the 90s, Ford was late to join the party, primarily because it chose to concentrate more on its American operations.
FORBES: China Has Growth But We're Tapping The Brakes On Ford At $15
The new policy conforms U.S. security standards to international standards, and allows TSA to concentrate its energies on more serious safety threats, the agency said in a statement.
"The technology is reaching a plateau and it is not possible to improve the action so games in future might have to concentrate more on narrative, " he said.
It will, to an extent, take over that role from the Conservative Research Department, which has come to concentrate much more on the routine exchanges of political hostilities.
Former minister Peter Kilfoyle resigned from the government so he could press ministers to concentrate more on Labour's core supporters whom, he claims, are being ignored in the rush to appeal to the middle classes.
In the essay, entitled "As We May Think, " Bush made the argument that scientists needed to concentrate on making knowledge more accessible, and described some of the methods and devices we might use to do so.
Participants firmly insisted on the need for a stronger focus on early childhood care and education, more and better qualified teachers, as well as reform of post-primary education, including technical and vocational training, and the need to concentrate more on all aspects of the quality of education.