The literature suggests that Chinese strategists tend to conceptualize IW in the broadest terms possible.
Our dependence on the subway is very hard for people outside of New York to conceptualize.
It raises fundamental issues about the need to re-conceptualize education and its goals in the African context.
It is fertile ground to frame the business issue and conceptualize possible solutions.
Individually, they conceptualize and execute innovative ideas that are deep-rooted in the ultimate end: The social and economic fortification of the people.
Caregivers can use dolls, play materials and toy airplanes to create a scene that helps the child to conceptualize and develop a narrative around what happened.
If we want to affect the way that Afghans conceptualize important notions such as justice, we must understand the forces in their lives that guide their decisions.
All they know is that this one thing that they have dreamed about and thought about and really couldn't even conceptualize, that it was being presented to them.
The district could not conceptualize what Capital Prep would become.
Even I struggle with how to conceptualize those numbers ticking up and down in my bank account as real money, and understanding that concept as a child must be even harder.
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For us that are technical these are relatively simple issues to solve but for people that cannot conceptualize the problem it becomes a disability and can impair the quality of their lives.
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To avoid extinction, employees must embody the kind of daily future thinking that will enable their teams and organizations to conceptualize -- and handle -- the blessings and burdens of a new era.
CNN: Work skills you'll need to survive the 'conceptual age'
He expects that Google Glass, iWatch, and their competitors are the next generation of wearable computing, and he plans on using his pair of Google Glass to help conceptualize how his app might work.
FORBES: This Entrepreneur Wants Google Glass To Improve Your Health
Not only will we increasingly be learning while playing and working, we also will conceptualize less and less that our life span is segmented into four segments: play (childhood), learn (childhood to adult), work (adult), and play (retirement).
At Andera, the participating fellow will be expected to work as part of a team to conceptualize a new product and to create a business case for it, says Charlie Kroll, the company's founder and chief executive officer.
But, I think we also have to - when we bring in a historical perspective, really think about the legacies we have in terms of how we conceptualize what health care is and what insurance is and what risk is?
Conceptualize, design and formulate programmes that contribute to the creation of inclusive learning environments responsive to diverse learning needs, particularly for a disadvantaged and marginalized population in the Arab region, especially children with special needs, street and poor working children, refugees, drop-outs etc.
By offering a brand new visual perspective that enables students to interact with 3D objects in virtual space, Vimensio is facilitating teachers to take a novel approach and challenge students in an engaging way that can inspire and motivate classrooms to conceptualize and learn in ways never before possible.
ENGADGET: Leonar3Do launches HelloVR, Vimensio platforms to bring 3D computing into the mainstream
Our ability to conceptualize and implement a vision of an Ideal and Just Society is extremely limited, and the political route between the obvious and simple system of natural liberty that Adam Smith found so compelling and the Ideal and Just Society some people want to see is fraught with peril.
But the quality that ties all of Stirling's work together is something that only the greatest architects possess: the unique ability to think volumetrically, to conceptualize and visualize all of a building's components and relationships simultaneously in all three dimensions, reorganizing and reinventing those relationships to create brilliant spatial progressions and shifts in perception and experience that elude more ordinary talents.