"Bodies come in different shapes and sizes, and the very idea that there is a concrete qualifying number, and if someone can match it they're considered healthy, is wrong, " she says.
But there are no concrete figures for the number of stateless children - precisely because they are stateless.
But Network Rail said at the time it had discovered a number of concrete blocks which workers were not aware of.
To tackle these issues and continue to improve their ability to transform the unceasing torrent of data into real strategic advantage, there are a number of concrete steps that companies should consider taking.
But he said there's no concrete evidence of the number of voters who are disadvantaged and without such proof, a law that's non-discriminatory on its face and has a legitimate anti-fraud purpose cannot be struck down.
By eliminating time-consuming printing and faxing, shipping (with potentially lost contracts), rework from missing signatures, errors from re-keying data, and costs of distributing copies to each signer, companies and individuals who use eSignature benefit in a number of concrete, financially significant ways.
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The operation came a day after workers plugged a highly radioactive water leak from a concrete pit connected to the number two reactor, using sodium silicate - known as ''water glass''.
"We are committed to complying with all laws and regulations and are in the process of implementing a number of specific, concrete actions to strengthen our compliance program in India, " the Wal-Mart spokeswoman said.
The unique gathering attracted more than double the number of participants anticipated and sparked immediate, concrete action.
Choose a manageable number of individuals that will be genuinely active and contribute in a concrete manner.
The aim is to ensure that scientific knowledge about the very rapid disappearance of a great number of vegetable and animal species and the erosion of ecosystems leads to concrete measures.
But since we established our blogging platform two years ago, we do have concrete information about how our pieces perform relative to our colleagues, in the form of a page view number at the top of every post.
FORBES: Will You Be More Productive If You Know How Your Pay Compares With Your Colleagues'?