To contain polio, hospitals confined children like Tenley, allowing only minimal contact with the outside world.
This leads to plenty of rocking-and-rolling during the 10-hour passage, with many passengers confined to their bunks.
Until recently office REITs confined their investing almost entirely to the purchase of buildings already standing.
The days of men filtering business style into the confined rules almost seem unnatural.
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For the first few years of its existence, the company was confined to Illinois.
FORBES: InnerWorkings Helps Companies Solve Printing Problems
The period debate hasn't been confined to the upper echelons of the Obama campaign.
About 100 hotel staff members were also confined to the premises due to the quarantine.
Such funds can scoop up BRIC bargains as they arise, without being confined there.
He even declared that he had "grown to like it" in the confined space.
It is a misconception to think that cross-country skiing is confined purely to flat terrain.
She was also depressed, confined to her bed for the most part of five decades.
Or is it really confined to that relatively small, if vocal, communities in direct line?
The rise of new industries to replace old ones is not confined to the south-east.
The role to promote and improve water cooperation is not only confined to governments.
And this basic part of the car market is not just confined to the emerging world.
Everett was 61 years old, weighed almost 400 pounds and was confined to a wheelchair.
CNN: Medical experts never testified in Katrina hospital deaths
Signalling by gesture is confined to the great apes (who, in this context, include mankind).
ECONOMIST: Evidence that the first words were movements, not sounds
He may see some administration officials but is mainly confined to an Irish-American itinerary.
Elaborate co-operation outside the family, but within the same species, is confined to humans.
What does it do to you being in that kind of a confined space?
"This problem is not an issue that's just confined to Haider, " he told BBC World Service.
If confined to relatively small economies like already bailed-out Ireland and Portugal this might be manageable.
ECONOMIST: How much do Greece and the rest of Europe stand to lose?
Moreover, the costs of private sector negligence are supposed to be confined to the negligent.
High prices for beach-front property have not just been confined to Wales - or even huts.
Because of a childhood ailment he was confined to a wheelchair for most of his life.
It means many dogs are confined to a sedentary life and a daily regime of pills.
The days are long past when Internet search was mostly confined to text on websites.
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It is not confined to any single issue or any single part of the world.
Produced in large numbers, it illustrates that religious texts are not confined to the page.
ECONOMIST: Works of art from the Aga Khan's collection on show in London