Three judges denied Mitnick bail and ordered him held in solitary confinement, where he stayed for eight months.
For now, any hopes of salvaging his NFL career are secondary to his impending confinement.
What they cannot bring is any idea of how long Ms. Miller's confinement will last.
Jones and her lawyers pleaded for leniency - no prison, but probation, perhaps home confinement.
Animals kept in close confinement, reared at close quarters, will inevitably infect one another very quickly.
Clearly, it's an easier path: no debates over the location or conditions of confinement.
Robert Felton drifted in and out of acute psychosis for much of his solitary confinement.
Stuart Grassian, a Boston psychiatrist, has interviewed more than two hundred prisoners in solitary confinement.
With the sunrise comes new colour, partly relieving the stress associated with our confinement.
But there are also melancholy details that reveal the lonely confinement of Woods's stardom.
Private Manning is being held in solitary confinement at a maximum security US military jail.
Mr Vanunu spent 18 years in jail including more than 11 in solitary confinement.
Neither Barack Obama nor John McCain, however, addressed the question of whether prolonged solitary confinement is torture.
At the same time, other states had just a tiny fraction of their inmates in solitary confinement.
For now, Zimmerman is being held on no-bail status in administrative confinement at Seminole County's John E.
Their confinement was rigorous: the Dutch were isolated on the tiny, fan-shaped island of Dejima in Nagasaki harbour.
Fumiko had locked herself up before, though she always emerged from her self-confinement after a night or two.
Then he delves into our own experimentations with denying humans companionship: solitary confinement.
FORBES: Too much privacy: Solitary confinement in U.S. prisons
In that case, the justices said the detainees had a basic right to challenge their confinement in federal court.
CNN: Court again rejects lawsuit over alleged Gitmo mistreatment
Lauterbach said that during his captivity, he spent four days in solitary confinement.
All these celebrity attacks on Netanyahu are consistent with the past five years of media coverage of Schalit's confinement.
They cooked their food and ate it in uncomfortable confinement, the shreds and crumbs of unreality giving the evening shape.
As such, Khorsandi, as temporary teacher, asked the girls to write diary entries describing their own imagined feelings of confinement.
This piece discusses the practice of solitary confinement in U.S. prisons and how it destroys the minds of isolated prisoners.
FORBES: Too much privacy: Solitary confinement in U.S. prisons
The detainee was known in the media as Prisoner X because his identity and reasons for confinement were so secret.
Construction of the world's main demonstration power plant that will use magnetic confinement is under way at Cadarache in France.
As for Mr Hakamada, now 72, he is losing his mind as he languishes in solitary confinement on death row.
Mr Breivik is in police custody, in solitary confinement without access to news or the internet for the next eight weeks.
His lawyers have often expressed concern about his health in the past, usually demanding that he be moved out of solitary confinement.
In the prisoners Grassian saw, about a third had these vulnerabilities, and these were the prisoners whom solitary confinement had made psychotic.