Then they explain the bizarre name of the company, just in case the customer is confused.
However, her death, a week after admission, put the spotlight on the Irish Republic's confused abortion laws.
BBC: Savita Halappanavar death: Husband has faith in inquest
Wall Street is, so far, wildly enthusiastic, even if the rest of us remain a little confused.
As a young 25 year old professional woman, I was faced with a confused male professioanl working class.
This confused the consumer by having different play privileges for music within their catalogue.
FORBES: UltraViolet: Boom Or Bust For Studios And Consumers?
The schoolmate asks him to confirm or ignore, convincing the confused Edward to accept this request.
But some soldiers in the military hospital were confused by the concept of fighting while talking.
Newspaper explanations of the contributions of Nobel laureates in economics leave readers more confused than enlightened.
FORBES: Thomas Sargent, Rational Expectations And The Keynesian Consensus
He will never be confused with Torre when it comes to media savvy and presence.
Even the network security vendors get confused about their strategy and invest in host based protection.
The midfield and defenders snapped into tackles as Greece was left looking slow and confused.
FORBES: Poland Offers Bailout But Greeks Miss The Target....Again
These labels and disclosures reduce the likelihood that consumers are confused when reviewing the results page.
FORBES: Amazon's Merchandising of Its Search Results Doesn't Violate Trademark Law
People not reading the labels, getting one dosage, an adult dosage, confused with a child's dosage.
She sometimes writes as though America were awash with role-confused microserfs longing to be self-fulfilled furnace-men.
The teacher, Leslie Rowan, remembers that Taylor only pointed and grunted and often seemed confused.
However, this legal soap opera left farmers anguished and confused and commodity markets in turmoil.
FORBES: The New York Times' Mark Bittman Offers Poisoned Food For Thought
Elected officials are referred to as 'public servants, ' and that should not be confused with 'self-serving.
"I'm very confused, " said Newtown resident Janet Ziperstein, who has two children who attended Sandy Hook.
"It's confused, it's a place where there are competing egos and interests, " he said.
But Mali's legal landscape has been confused by the current state of emergency, she says.
Confused by Nokia's dual-platform, Maemo 5 and S60 5th Edition smartphone choices?
ENGADGET: Nokia abandoning S60 for Maemo on future N-Series devices?
The inquiry has already been told that aspects of Raychel's care were "confused and uncertain".
Will patients be confused by the morass of competing plans and the infamous doughnut hole?
If all the Monday morning quarterbacking regarding retail sales has you confused, no wonder.
FORBES: Bah Humbug -- Holiday Retail Sales Are Way Overrated
Until that strategy is in place, AOLers (and investors) will remain uncertain and confused.
Tory education spokeswoman Liz Smith said she was "confused" over the Scottish studies plan.
According to the Department of Homeland Security, Mr. Beck is getting a bit confused.
FORBES: Glenn Beck Just Doesn't Get America's Strong Character
He so confused and frightened me that I pretended he was making a joke and laughed.
It was a very confused proposition for Americans who couldn't work out what exactly they were.
One reason people are probably confused is because last year Congress issued an RMD holiday.