For HR technology, in particular, these new expectations have meant a newfound push for connectedness.
For all the connectedness of the Internet, the advances in media sharing, sometimes it just misses an open field goal.
If managed well, technology can improve our schools and education, deepen social connectedness, expand civic engagement and even help advance our democracy.
The Internet has had a dual effect on the level of connectedness I feel with the people I know in my offline life.
In interviews and in his work, Milch expounds upon his great subject: the oneness of things, the connectedness and indivisibility of all life.
And the electromagnetic connectedness on which much of the island's usefulness now rests allows it to get by with fewer and fewer inhabitants.
Winning companies today must embrace the transparency and connectedness of the internetworked world and pursue behaviors that turn these new conditions into competitive advantage.
Yet this tragedy of tragedies catalyzed a powerful connectedness between us, a depth of resilience and sense of common purpose that we must cherish.
The panelists ( Hannah Belsito, Rhonda Sincavage, Jeff Siegler, and Thomas Starinsky) talked about the connectedness that history provides to community.
By paying attention to the signs of connection, you can send the right signals to the other people in your life and increase your connectedness.
They offer advantages in portability, convenience, ease of use and connectedness.
We invented silicon-based helpers to crunch our numbers and increase our productivity, and they have bound us with soft shackles of convenience and a sense of connectedness.
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But as we travel deeper into this new world of constant connectedness and ever-present technology, I wonder whether we are saying hello to the world or goodbye to society.
Given that borders do act as barriers in significant ways, it seems that those warning about the dangers of global connectedness want to have their cake and eat it too.
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Every day, Millennials are reaching exponential levels of connectedness.
For online marketing companies to attract women-owned businesses to their platforms, training and support must be easy to use, clearly show business value, and support connectedness with customers and with other businesses.
Google Glass has generated a lot of buzz in tech circles and beyond, with many wondering aloud about its practical applications, potential privacy concerns and its promise, for better or worse, of constant connectedness.
But I really do think that social media, the internet, and the hyper-connectedness of modern Americans and especially young people has done more to shift public opinions than anything in the realm of politics could ever hope to achieve.
So, in contrast to the devastating domino effects of the global economic meltdown in 2008, in these cases social media is being used to demonstrate that our connectedness and interdependence within a global community can also be a force for good.
So when building the business case for a sustainability project, I believe it is important to recognize its inter-connectedness with other areas within the organization and really take the time to look at the expanse of sustainability transformation opportunities that lie before us.
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Chopra explains that being in touch with the this kind of consciousness is what sports players, ballet dancers, and musicians experience when they enter a moment of utter connectedness with their art: the mind is clear, the world appears in slow motion, and all internal dialogue fades away.
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