Since the financial crisis began, much has been said about the move away from conspicuous consumption.
He lives well, but avoids the conspicuous consumption that some of his rivals indulge in.
And then, somewhere amid all this conspicuous consumption, Jay-Z picked up a special issue of The Economist.
We are now in the age of MTV and mass conspicuous consumption, not of the grapes of wrath.
His first wife, Eva, famous for her conspicuous consumption and populist flair, died of it at age 33.
"The whole idea of status and conspicuous consumption is old luxury, " Danziger explains.
People are looking for bargains and appear to be less interested in conspicuous consumption as a source for personal gratification.
Way back in 1899, influential Norwegian-American sociologist Thorsten Veblen dismissed fashion as part of a trend of conspicuous consumption.
Of course there's always Thorstein Veblen's explanation: "conspicuous consumption, " propounded in his 1899 classic, The Theory of the Leisure Class.
Environmental concerns, Ford says, have made people more thoughtful about their purchases, while the recession has led to a decline in conspicuous consumption.
You want to talk about conspicuous consumption, Apple is the king.
There is even a correction going on in conspicuous consumption: Net-a-porter, a pricey website, offers to deliver designer outfits to its customers in brown paper bags.
Keeping up with the Joneses is conspicuous consumption that occurs when people compete with their peers by buying what they buy and doing what they do.
That album finally equalled the conspicuous consumption he loves to talk about, sounding like what would be playing in a house filled with gilded bathtubs and expensive art.
Something that is not just purchased for the way it works, looks or feels, but which provides us with the opportunity for conspicuous consumption at the same time.
And he believes that Americans engage in unseemly conspicuous consumption.
What does this mean for luxury companies with brands that, in less than a year, went from being on the "most wanted" list among well-to-do consumers to becoming badges of conspicuous consumption?
"There is a lot of talk about how the age of conspicuous consumption is over, " says Richard Wise, chief executive officer of Lippincott, a brand strategy and design firm in New York.
Thorstein Veblen's theory of conspicuous consumption is dated.
Yes, there has been a lot of conspicuous consumption in the past decade, but what has been more striking is the quest for the genuine--the handcrafted object, the locally sourced menu, the Vini del Paradiso experience.
Economist and social critic Thorstein Veblen took a crack at it in The Theory of the Leisure Class, the 1899 classic that wryly posited the theory of "conspicuous consumption, " his phrase for keeping up with the Joneses.
"Pride of ownership" was a favorite phrase of my father's, embodying an idea real as bread to a man of his background, one having to do not with social competitiveness or conspicuous consumption but with his standing as a manly provider.
The strong demand for luxury goods and services in the U.S. during the past two to three years has largely come to an end as conspicuous consumption seems to be out of favor with affluent households, according to the results of a recent survey.
FORBES: Survey: Luxury Consumers Cutting Back on Conspicuous Consumption
Branded badges as virtual symbols of conspicuous consumption can be a strong check-in incentive in the short term among the early adopters, but they will probably have about the same shelf life and the breadth of appeal as a corporate island in Second Life.
On a similar note, in this era of non-conspicuous consumption, when Target and Wal-Mart have become brand badges for those who can afford Saks and Neiman-Marcus, companies that represent prestige brands are going to have to work extra hard to make sure that the entire experience of the brand is worth its weighty title and price tag.
FORBES: Hyundai's Challenge To Mercedes: Should Either Brand Be Nervous?
These sorts of conspicuous celebrations of consumption often seem less like life-altering rites, and more like the ultimate consumer experience.
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