Consumers purchased 3.47 million Mac computers, 9.41 million iPods and 3.27 million iPads throughout the quarter.
Ever wonder how credit reporting companies like Equifax dig up dirt on overextended consumers?
Madison Avenue giants are scrambling to find new ways to deliver their products to ad-drenched consumers.
For consumers, there will be the promise of benefits if they share their personal data.
Partly because of high gas prices, consumers are taking a second look at hybrid cars.
It serves consumers through its retail websites with a focus on selection, price, and convenience.
It provides services to four primary customer sets: consumers, sellers, enterprises, and content creators.
Paulson told reporters the administration hoped to target the bulk of the relief to consumers.
Workers, consumers and shopkeepers will abandon it in favor of electronic pounds or dollars transmitted from overseas.
Fisher believes that such capabilities will permit consumers to get exactly the picture they want every time.
Recent research by University at Buffalo psychologist Leonard Epstein demonstrated that consumers are inclined to do just that.
Anti-money-laundering laws do impose high costs, and that cost is borne by the financial industry and its consumers.
That means higher electric and gasoline bills for consumers, who are, ultimately, the real source of atmospheric pollution.
In the first 10 months of 2009, Chinese consumers alone purchased more cars than their American counterparts.
As consumers spend increasingly more time on their mobile devices, revenue from broadcast advertising has suffered.
Consumers reduced their debt exposure, and save 5% of their income vs. 1% in 2008.
FORBES: A Madison Avenue Mogul With A Silicon Valley Attitude
More broadly, industrial accidents in China are taking on increasing resonance for U.S. companies and consumers.
With less disposable income, consumers will spend less and the economy would likely mute.
But will these lower costs passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices?
FORBES: Who Would Benefit Most If AT&T-T-Mobile Fails: The Consumer
This type of talk is hardly going to get consumers back into the shopping malls.
Each truck goes through more than 50 tests by the Consumers Union of the United States.
But consumers can opt in or out of the service, and this anyway misses the point.
FORBES: From Stalker To Friend: Mobile Network Introduces Location-Based Advertising
Most forecasts have consumers doing most of the heavy lifting in 2013 as well.
Consumers have been urged to press restaurants and fish and chip shops to stock sustainable species.
During these first post-Thanksgiving work days, many consumers log onto their computers and buy gifts online.
FORBES: Online Retailer Newegg Mobilizes For Black Friday Sales
In the long-run, I still think that a move to digital distribution will benefit consumers.
But with Canadian household debt climbing recently, many analysts expect consumers here may be tapped out.
It is a win-win-win for producers, consumers, and taxpayers at a most opportune time.
Because we have to have Richard Cordray in place in order to protect American consumers.
You are putting trust in consumers, but you are also giving your program time to breathe.