All are confronted with either a scarcity of moisture in key regions, or an inability to contain the water that sometimes pours and deliver it in potable form to millions for daily life.
The key to dominating the seas, according to Nigel Finn and Borge Kristoffersen, of the University of Bergen, in Norway, is to evolve floating eggs that contain sufficient unsalty water.
He adds that the sections of the aquifers UEC will be mining contain only nonpotable water to begin with and that the ring of monitor wells it will install around the site will detect any movement of dissolved uranium beyond the production wells.
Oil sands are naturally occurring geologic formations that contain a mixture of water, sand, and bitumen.
FORBES: An Indian Consortium Shows Interest In ConocoPhillips' Alberta Oil Sands Assets
One 11 ounce coconut water can contain up to 60 calories, so moderation is encouraged.
On it's own, oil is not magnetic, but MIT researchers say that when mixed with water-repellent nanoparticles that contain iron, the oil can be magnetically separated from the water.
Fracking fluids are believed to contain, in addition to water, benzene, ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, methanol, naphthalene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, toluene, xylene, boric acid, hydrochloric acid, isopropanol, and diesel fuel.
Janssen says that other common household items like plastic baby bottles and water filter pitchers contain bisphenol A, a chemical that mimics estrogen and has been linked in animals to infertility, enlarged prostates, abnormal chromosomes, obesity and insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes.
It has water, it may contain life, and it could eventually sustain a human colony.
Recreational vehicles even build cabinets now with pullout drawers that contain built-in food and water bowl trays.
Many reservoirs, including the Darwell Reservoir near Hastings, contain less than half the usual amount of water for the time of year.
Dr. Breach doesn't seem to know that the word "fat" comes from "vat", a Teutonic word derived from "fassen", which means to hold or contain, like a vessel, particularly a precious one containing baptismal water.
An array of state and federal agencies are on the scene, skimming up oily water, installing thousands of feet of boom in an attempt to contain the oil, and burning off some of the slick.
ECONOMIST: Watching and waiting after the Deepwater Horizon spill
Planes dropping water and retardant, along with six helicopters, were trying to create a perimeter and contain the fire.
They also contain toxic materials and are often disposed of in developing countries where they sicken local people and taint their water and environment.